Someone help me out I need to find this game

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Gonzopoly*, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. It's where you have to eat pills to keep your bar going right.... and it automatically goes left and if you get to either side I think you die. It's really pretty looking, and it plays a super catchy dubstep? song to it. It rains something that if you touch you die, so you have to avoid the falling things and get the 5 powerups or something like that. Reply asap please because I enjoyed playing the game but have lost it. I'm pretty sure it was on addicting games.

  2. Sounds fun. Hope somebody knows what it is.
  3. Is the game ur thinking of "Ski Runner"
    If it isnt try it out its quite fun lol
  4. Ski runner? Is that the name of the old ass pc game where the yeti always pops out and eats you?

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  5. Naw but sorta.. U ski down n try not to hit anything n collect these pills that make the screen go all flashy n shit more u get the more intenss it gets and it gets pretty fuckin crazy! *pills r supose to be acid*
  6. that is not it but it is fucking addictive and may be a good one to play if you cant find the other lol.
  7. You don't know how many times I played this game on my grandparents computer. Never could pass that yeti
  8. Not sure if the game even goes past that… That dude was quick.
  9. i am intrigued and support OP's cause.
  10. Skifree!

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  11. Dude the exact same people made the game I'm talking about and the same guy thats skiiing is the guy on the game I'm talking about. The game I've been looking for is a sidescroller with cube perks, and like 5 different things that kill you, with falling pills. Something along those lines. Thanks for the lead though

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