I believe he was in a dream at the end of the film... The top was faltering but never came to a complete stop.
yes it kept spinning, me and my friend were talking about and he said he couldnt be dreaming the whole time for some reason i do not remember because i smoke too much, and i didnt say anything then but now that ive seen it a second time, what if he actually was dreaming the whole time, and dreamed he went into this guy's head, and dreamed all this stuff happened...idk its one of those movies like the mist(if you seen the mist, and seen the ending then you know what im talking about).
It doesn't matter whether the top keeps spinning or not. The top won't tell you whether you're in a dream, only if you're in someone else's dream. You're mind knows the top's weight and feel.
WRONG! The Top was to see if they were still dreaming. If it didnt topple, he was still dreaming vise versa.
I disagree man, if he's in his own dream, he knows the intricacies of the top. This is the reason you wouldn't be able to let someone else feel your totem. Totems aren't a real concept though, because in real life we don't have that machine to share dreams, so totems will act accordingly in dreams. So there is no sure way to tell you're in a dream, although there's typically tell signs.
The top wasn't his totem, it was his wife's totem. If you payed attention you would have noticed him playing with his ring finger whenever he was in a dream. When he was in a dream he didn't have his wedding ring on and when he was out of the dreams his wedding ring would be on.
I think the whole part of them getting onto the plane and then entering the dream was a dream. Holy fuck. Oh and also, he was dreaming at the end because the kid's hadn't aged any. I believe it said he was gone for 8 months and theyre wearing the exact same clothes as the dream.
And here's something ELSE to think about =) Dom Cobb was the SUBJECT throughout the whole movie. And at the end of the movie was the only time he was acctually awake. The clues are obvious once you realize that he was the subject and not Fisher. Dom Cobb even said in one scene, the only way I can get to see my kids again is if I get back to the real world. At that scene the architect ran into the elevator real fast so he didn’t realize that he was being incepted. There was no Cobol or Cobal however you spell it.. This whole plan was a setup to plant an idea in Dom’s head so that he could realize what the real world was. The person behind the idea was Michael Caine’s character, thats why he was at the airport. The real extractor was Saito. It’s obvious he was in a dream throughout the whole movie. And they said that the totum was so that you knew that you were never in someone elses dream, not reality. Thats why when he went to the indian guys place he went to sleep and woke up in a someone elses dream. Thats why he never got to spin the totum in the bathroom. Another thing.. Dom never got attacked throughout the whole movie, because he was the subject! Everybody else was getting attacked. Especially in the scene when the train came crashing through the middle of the street. Do you remember Dom being attacted in that scene? I didn’t think so. There were flashbacks of Dom in the real world, but the Inception started when the so called “cobolt guy” told him that it was now or never, and gave him airplane tickets. Rember, there is no cobolt and that guy was part of the team in performing the inception on Dom. This explains why the kids are in the same spot when he got home wearing the same clothes. Because he was only asleep for a few hours. Dom realized they planted the inception on him when he arrived back to find Saito sitting at the table an old man, the Dom says with a bewildered look on his face, I’ve come to remind you something, that this world wasn’t real. Thats when he realized he had the inception done to him. As he awoke on the plane you see everybody sitting there with a smile on their face knowing that they just did it to him, otherwise Fisher would have been like, you were in my dream and you and you were there and you were there! Right? Think about all of the clues given to us. Its actually obvious if we pay attention a little harder. And about the top, it clearly started wobbling and no it did not start spinning again before the movie went to black.
good eye.....im gonna tell my friend this, i figured it had to be a dream from the start, awh man i wouldve had to watch the movie a couple more times to figure that out
I watched this movie three times in three days and i understood it more and more every time. i watched it stoned the forth time and i was totally lost lol it might just be me but i cant think too well when im high - peace, joy, love, and light
He's not dreaming during the end. At the end of the credits, you hear the sound of the top slowing down, then clashing on the table. Everything else is open to interpretation.
Forget that, The Mist is a 100 something page story from a long time ago, you can find it in the collection of short stories called Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. You have to read it if you liked the movie. I assure you that Stephen King is one of the best authors of this century, imo of course, and that that the book is far better than the movie. I'm going only from assumption as I've never seen the movie.
i found a really good graph on stumble one day that explained every thing, but i cant find it. i can only find less good graphs on google. sorry
yea ive heard of him, and i love alot of his movies...my favorite has to be cujo, i can watch cujo all day but ill look that up