someone draw me something to fix my tattoo!!!

Discussion in 'Tattoo, Piercings and Body Art' started by T.H.C-ERRRDAY, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. lol oh yea dude theirs a big ass gang that goes by those number, they usually go by MS-13 or mara salva trucha.

    what kind of fix up did you have in mind? like skullz n shit er whats up
  2. i dont want to cover it up. i just want to add something to it. maybe something around it
  3. oh okay but do u have any ideas?
  4. After the number 13 it should say "Inch legend"
  5. lol yup then youll get all the ladies
  6. Can't draw it very well but basically in the end it will come out looking something like this..

  7. have lady luck leaning on 13 or her ass sitting on the 3 posing

  8. top down view of boobs?
  9. get a big cock right beside it, unquestionably diverting attention
  10. prime...:smoke:

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