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some unnamed bud

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by imblunted, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. kinda bad pictures but here is a fifty sack and a fat dub i picked up today
    both unnamed strains but i suspect the darker bud is sour d
    sorry about the poor pictures, some are with the light on and some are with a spotlight on the nugs
    smoked a joint of the lighter bud and got pretty high now im about to blaaaaaze :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. very good bud :smoking:
  3. Oh thats good stuff. :)
  4. it's some chronic, can't wait to blaze it up hahaaa
  5. no, that dre album is sum CHRONIC. have fun BUD
  6. where you at in WA? I swear I've had that lighter bud...
  7. olympia area, you?
  8. Looks hella good brah.

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