Some thoughts while high.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by We3d42o, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. So I get some of my best thinking done after smoking, and I doubt I'm the only one. I was listening to some Ziggy Marley, and I heard a line in a song:

    "One man's profit is another man's loss" from Still Storms Comes.

    It got me thinking. Is that more accurate, or is "One man's trash is another man's treasure" a better way to look at life?

    How do you look at it?

    I guess this goes under philosophy... I'm not sure.
  2. Profit/loss connotates with money too much. And fuck money, root of all evil...

    With trash/trasure, nobody is really losing anything. Its just one person making use of something another person isn't using.
  3. Yeah, I think I get what you're saying.

    I think that in a perfect world, the trash/treasure motto would be more... prevalent... whereas the profit/loss is more like corporate America, companies, etc.

    By the way, I was really high last night, and I still feel pretty out of it, so if this post doesn't make much sense, forgive me. :smoking::rolleyes:
  4. Hah, same here bro, I got you. :smoking:

  5. the LOVE of money is the root of most evil, not all..

    the "one man's trash is another man's treasure" quote can also mean that what you take for granted such as food in your fridge, internet, family, or whatever you can put out there..some people are not as fortunate to have alot of things that we just look at as ordinary things we can always get another of or etc... while they look at them as privileges and generally define it as a higher quality of life..
  6. Sir.Smokesalot, I totally get that. I guess I didn't really have anywhere for this thread to go, but whatever... Thanks for the replies. (I feel like slightly less of a noob here now):cool:
  7. Yes, but trash, the man is throwing away because he doesn't need it. It's the whole point of the trash/treasure statement. What one man doesn't need, another can make use of.

    In profit/loss, one man makes use of/acquires something that the other loses, which seems more like the "loser" is, well, the loser in the situation, because they actually are losing something that they could still use, IMO.

    Sorry if it says lose/variations of "lose" too many times, I couldn't think of a better word for it...

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