Some thoughts on LIFE

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TripRollnToke, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. These are just a couple thoughts I've had about life and living. Appreciate any feedback:hello:

    1. Our brains react the same when we think of an object, as when the object is actually placed in front of us. THINK about that, that means your brain doesn't know the difference between your thoughts and what is around you. So if you're flooding your brain with negative thoughts, then your brain will think negative things are actually happening to you, positive thoughts and positive things are happening. This is an all too powerful tool in shaping your reality. Create positivity in your mind and you will have a positive reality, no matter what is actually happening around you, you're going to be able to handle it because it won't be a problem for you.

    2. What is real? How you perceive the world, NOT the world, and perception is created by experience. Because nothing has any real intrinsic value until your experience tells you how you should react to it. A chair is just a blob of atoms until experience tells you that you should sit on it. Experiences such as this are universal, no one sees a chair and has the idea that it's used as a rocket to space. But the important things are not universal, not everyone will react the same when they see a man die, or when they lie, or when some one tells them they love them. This is because everyone has a different experience, and thus a different perception. And because the most exclusive times in our lives(early childhood) are when our minds our most malleable, false perceptions are easily created by even the smallest of things in this time. Because these false perceptions are created, EVERYONE lives under a false reality, since we are all one creating this reality together, any false reality creates a false reality for the rest of us.
    So, I guess to sum it all up I'm saying that problems in this world are created by you, me, and our false perceptions. There are no intrinsic problems in reality, we just create them because we don't accept. We don't accept that the past is gone so we try to hold on to it and don't live in the now. We don't accept that each person has as much value as ourself, so we put others down. We don't accept that not everyone will accept us, so we hide our true selves. WHY!? Life IS ever changing and ever new, and always will be til the day we die, so why do we try to hang on to things or worry about others THOUGHTS? Everyone's thoughts are just that, THEIR OWN, don't matter what some one thinks of you. We have to break free of what we've been blindly conditioned to believe and feel about the world.
    BREAK THE CYCLE. Stop perpetuating problems in the world, treat everyone with respect, don't cause harm to anyone, physical or mental, and most importantly embrace the TRUTH, and never hold back.
  2. Our memories are made up by our expectations more than they're made up from what actually happened. Say you're going to a party that you really don't wanna go to, even if it turns out to be an okay party you'll always remember it as a party that sucked ass. Unless something surprising and positive happens, you'll remember it as an awful party. It also works the other way, like if you expect the party to be good you'd remember it as being good even though it was kinda boring - something surprising and negative would have to happen in order to change that. We're all victims of our own bias. It's therefore more important to have positive expectations than it is to have a positive experience :)
  3. Yeah that's what I was trying to get across in the first part. Creating positivity in your mind is very powerful, and while very hard to do at times, can really improve the quality of your life greatly.
  4. im dead kill me so i can live
  5. if anything is important, everything is important
  6. the lessons we learn in this life are the same lessons we didnt learn in our previous life. also if you dont learn your lesson you get stuck in another body to learn the lesson howvere if you fail again its a different body. but if you do you also change. maybe to a life where there is no need for a body. which would by a higher dimension
  7. Very true! We should always be ready to embrace change and new knowledge that comes our way.

  8. Good post... I enjoyed reading it, nodding my head.

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