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Some shitty mids I picked up

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TobySucks, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. I got 8 grams of this for $100 I think it's mids though I think I got ripped off



  2. Doesn't look too bad my dude, tbh I miss having miss having mids around.

    I used to make some bomb ass weednutbutter with it.
  3. I think the title is deceiving.
  4. Doesn't looks like mids. Price is still high tho.
  5. That looks like dank to me.

  6. Well compared to where you live yeah lol
  7. mids with crystals
  8. That doesn't look like mids to me
  9. Looks More like low end dank, a bit leafy too
  10. You got ripped off.
  11. it doesn't look too horrible man, price isn't that bad.
  12. I think OP came here to brag about his dank weed
  13. Looks pretty dank to me.

  14. Not to brag it was more of a joke, sorry if it came off as bragging
  15. Thats what you are smoking huh some of that Po Boy
  16. Not dank, but not "shitty mids" either. It's beasters.
  17. 8g's for $100 in RI, and your "mids" look like that? haha

    Paid $100 for 7g's of something similar in dankness to that y'day, except mine was trimmed slightly better

    Not gonna get cheaper than that in the black market, but looks like some good shit
  18. Looks dank to me
  19. Seems like decent dank to me

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