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some purps - atl

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by atl purps, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. just some purp -- denseee nugs


    yes i know i suck at taking photos (lol)

    unfortunently most of the real purp nugs have been "smoked"
  2. gimmmmmmmeeeee gimmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeee awesome bud dude......toke it
  3. i spot a few hairs in it.. ew

  4. oh please..

  5. i saw one too!
  6. The purp is always in the A. always. I can find it year round. looks good and screw a hair, dude probally smokes brick u know what all could be in that stuff hahaha
  7. looks good, i think the hairs are hemp fibers

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