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Some pickups

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ArtilleryShell4, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Just some of my recent pickups

    Some decent "dro" ( Seedless mids ) 10 bucks a gram


    And some headies

    .8 nug

    Cracked open so you can see the trichomes

    tried using some natural light i think it looks worse.

    And another of the .8 nug from the other side

    Oooh and my freshly cleaned bowl. Yes sadly the end is broken but i sanded it down and its pretty smooth


    Soo uhh tell me what ya think :smoke:
  2. Nice buds man what part of norcal are you from?
  3. Im not thats just my favorite place. Im in the boston area haha
  4. Another pic of some dank in natural lights

    Couple jays i rolled up

  5. oo haahhah nice
  6. your pipe looks like a penis. not my penis tho :p
  7. Nice lil bowl.

    Nice mids to for 10 a gram, looks like they smoke nice:D
  8. stop bumping this shwagg
  9. Yeah the bowls the only one i got for know but im thinking about getting a new one when i get my 4 piece sharpstone.

    And the mids are great most of the time there pretty frosty too
  10. Bump:rolleyes:

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