I was working at my job at the gym, and was waiting on customers who were signing up for memberships. This real old dude was in the back and got tired of waiting, so he marched to the front of the line and got in my face and just yelled "go swallow an egg!!" with a furious scowl and then walked out. This baffled me and also cracked me up as well because of how insane it was. Is that an actual thing that people say?
ahahahahaha.... what!?!?! What does that even mean? I guess you would choke on the egg?? LOL i have no idea...
haha were you high? If that was me I would have fuckin died laughing. One time I was at work and these 2 hot chicks came in and I was wroking with a buddy and the chicks asked what time is was, and it was 4:20 so I told them, and I just completely fucking lost it, just couldn't stop laughing because I was baked as shit at the time. My buddy finally joined in, and the girls left. Good times.
When I was still working at a theater while I was ripping tickets I told this women and her 10 year old son what theater they were in; she then says in an aggressive tone, "I know there's nudity; We're from Texas.". I just sat there with a WTF look on my face; I looked at the schedule to see what movie she was going to since I just tell them the number on the ticket. It was Borat! I just start laughing, and tell all of my co-workers.
during ww1 our country went through a period little know in history books known as "the egg kill" what happened was is that the chicken farmers were getting lo balled on prices for eggs so they did what ne one would do they threw tons out and the price of eggs shot up...way up too expensive.....the public knew about the egg kills and came up with that saying you heard as a way to spite the farmers and to disrespect people who were doing something stoopid like the farmers.........theres a little history for ya even if its totall BS
Hahahahahahahahahaha, I laughed before the thread even opened cause I saw it while scrollin' over... I lol'd hard.
One time my friend was working at best buy, and these two wicked blazed kids came in, and tried to return a game that wasn't from best buy. He said no and their best retort was "Is this Best buy or Best gay."