some of my poetry

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by POTSTYLZ, May 3, 2005.

  1. today is filled with tragedy and life isnt fair
    home is filled with anger but no one really cares.
    the sky is black and filled with gloom, I smoke because it eases the certain impending doom.
    keep feeling a darkness in my soul, its what constantly pushes me to pack another bowl.

    All the streangth I have comes to an early demise with one stare from your eyes.
    they are deep and blue and give me streanght to carry through

    All the pain and anguish we express in our cries comes to an end when you look upon me with your eyes.

    All but all the good seems to show through when my eyes look back at you
  2. super sikishgen! keep on wrting dudi

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