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Some of Atlanta's finest

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Mira, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Well, it's not the greatest weed in history but the crazy medical stuff doesn't come our way. Still, I like to think this is close enough to do the trick.

    Paid $180 for a half, unfortunately though that's not the usual price around here. Usually, 180 would get me 3/8 :rolleyes:

    That J was rolled earlier this evening and has been recently smoked. :smoking:

    Attached Files:

  2. I've heard Atlanta bud is pretty sexy. Have any pictures of the half?

    Have fun tokin' that.
  3. damn
    looks pretty dank
    nice roll btw
    hows it smoke?
  4. good lookin bud, im from georgia as well. A lot of the bud I get comes from Atlanta
  5. i wish i did, but i left it at home, as the idea of keeping a half o in a dorm has never really appealed to me.

    It smokes great, one spliff has me channeling alien frequencies :smoking::smoking:
  6. Looks similar to some of the shit I've been seeing down here in Savannah. Props.
  7. damn.. nice bud and very nice price...
    i guess i need to work on finding more ATL connects - i'm paying too much =[
  8. i usually pay 120/q so i definitely feel your pain. :(
  9. 120/q is murder on the sellers part. Down south we get quarters of regs for 60-75. and pretty good stuff for 80-100 and anything upwards means you just wanna get so zooted youll die.
  10. Nice looking nug you have there:cool:

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