Some observations

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Mr Skinner, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. I like to study people (which is the reason for me working at a psych ward) and have come up with some observations but haven't been able to confirm them But still I think they*re funny....

    1. People with (specially older) brothers and sisters eat faster than others. Specially when it comes to dessert.

    2. At night people walk more slowly than at daytime.

    3. Imagine a line of garbage dumbsters. The line is placed so that everyone arrives at nr.1 first and has to walk a few extra steps to get to the last one.
    Now if the line consists of 3 dumbsters, the last one will always be the emptiest.
    If it consists of 5 or more it won't be the last one but the one before it that is emptiest.
    I think this is because people have looked into the 2-3 first ones, see they're full, then, to save time or energy go straight to the last one because they think noone else does.

    Anyone with similar observations?
  2. you know i have noticed that with the i eat desert and all food faster than my brother, or

    like if you go into the toilet, and there's 5 urinals, if a guys using the first one you'd be more inclined to go to number 5, or at least 4, you wouldn't normally go to 3, and certainly not to

    and if you go in yourself you'd be more inclined to go to number 5 or 1, just incase anyone else came in.............weird isn't it? out........Sid

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