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Some Maryland purple...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HxCurt, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Picked up a quarter of this purp the other day. Some very nice, sweet smelling dank.
    Sorry for the picture quality, these pics were taken with my phone...

  2. Thats a cool looking nug, looks dank as hell. Love that shot of the bud in the grinder, SO PURPLE.:smoke:
  3. Yeah exactly, once I ground it up I was like :-O

    So I snapped a shot of that to really show the color.
  4. My mouth is watering... Great pickup!
  5. dam.... nice!
  6. grinder shot is looks tasty, grindin up da grapes
  7. i wanna know where in md too. wanna get some of that!
  8. :O that buster shot.
  9. always love the purple nugs :)
  10. what phone?
  11. Damn I am from woodbridge VA about 30 minutes from MA and all I can find here is some mids, other then 1 dude said he had some pineapple trainwreck. I am about to make a trip to MA haha!
  12. That purple looks crazy man
  13. Good shit , i love the shape of the bud , but i believe i love how the purple looks in the grinder :D
  14. About 15 min south of Baltimore...
  15. HTC Glacier (MyTouch 4G)
  16. You mean MD? :confused:
  17. Used to live on the eastern shore in salisbury. There was mass dank always around. Va sucks compared to MD :( nice purp too bro, got some gdp two days ago that looked just like that

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