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Some kind of deficiency or mites?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Kdebi, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Hey guys cant figure out what's going on with my plants. Anybody seen this before this is an outdoor grow probally somewhere around week 2-3 of flower this just started 2 days ago. Any advice would be helpful guys thanks. 20190818_084952.jpg 20190818_084937.jpg 20190818_084932.jpg 20190818_084919.jpg 20190818_084913.jpg

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  2. some things here to be fixed I see leaf septora a fungus and a bad attack of white fly
    Neen oil spray should clean her up 2x week please

    apply calmag as an old stand by.. about now is good

    good luck
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  3. Do you have a loupe or magnifying glass? Check the underside of the leaves. That's where the bugs tend to be.
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  4. Awesome input seems your only 6 months to late... either op has harvested or plants were a total loss.
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