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Some ill no name dank (big pics)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by nugbuzzed, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Just picked up an 1/8th of some dankness, Sadly forgot to ask what it was and quite frankly i dont care :cool:

    this bud's got me stoned off my ass.....




    And last but not least the coolest lighter ever.


    enjoy :smoke:
  2. sick bud and sick bowl dude
  3. thanks mann

    haha it tastes so freshh :yummy:

    thanks alot bro :smoke:
  4. who cares what the name is that shit looks damn gudd!nice bowl there to and that lighter is pretty sick:smoke:
  5. Love the spoon
  6. #8 krayzie94, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    Dude...dank nugs.

    Annddd I was just gonna say I picked up the exact same lighter when I was in NY then I saw you were from there :p the button lights up in diff colors and stuff. :)

    I wish I could pick up the same exact nugs when I'm there tho:(...last time I was in the Bronx I bought/smoked regs for the first/last time.
  7. Damn yo, nice looking nugs. What part of NY you from?
  8. damn man too bad you couldnt try the new york dank:(

    long island
  9. great lookin nuggets man, and I agree the spoon is sick haha.

    although you can't say for sure what a strain is just by looking at it, that looks like a strain of Kush to me :hello:

    tight, dense nuggets, large calyxes, and what i can only describe as a "Kush shaped" nugget structure haha.

    does it smell piney/lemony?

    regardless, sick shit man
  10. verry lemony, Me and my friend were both saying we thought it was kush :D
  11. man i have some dro* that looks very similar to that with the white trichs and shit its very dank.
    There are even more crystals on the inner part shining like diamonds when you breaj it down.

    *nobody chew me out for calling it dro goddamnit! Thats all the dude calls it
    and also may i add a very ligitimate name for weed
  12. Post pic of your bowl, looks sexy
  13. [​IMG]
  14. an exact clone of what i picked up earlier

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