Some guy tried to run me the fuck over!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by IGotTheCottons, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Me and Don were walking up to Game Stop, and when we get to the Shop Rite (food store) entrance we check, it's clear, so we cross. About half way through we catch this movement from the side, and lo and behold! There's this guy in a mini-van who just doesn't want to stop, but eventually does. I stopped in my spot yelled some obscenities, and the mother fucker starts moving again! I didn't move and he kept goin, right into me! He was pushin me back so I punched the shit outta his car (now my knuckle's all bloody). I think I may have left a nice dent in his hood.

    I eventually moved off to the side, but saw he was heading towards the Shop Rite, so I decided I wanted to go give him a piece of my mind. He saw me coming and bounced the fuck out. What a little bitch!
  2. Thats fucked up dude.. I woulda thrown him out GTA style and jack his soccer mom van
  3. hahahahahahahahahahahaha well.....

    it coulda ened worse:smoke:
  4. sounds like hit and run, assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and failure to yeild to a pedestrian. Did you get his license plate no.?
  5. I could have, but I didn't think to. I was thinkin 'bout pullin him out and knockin a little sense into him. That shit woulda been funny.
  6. Dude, that's fucked up. People are such fucking assholes.

    A few months back I had a guy try and pull the same kind of asshole shit on me and my husband a while ago. We were walking back from the smoke shop on the corner at like 9pm, crossing a big grocery store complex where there's a bunch of other businesses.
    As we're about to cross in front of a bank, some dude coming out of the banks parking lot decides he's going to just go in front of us and nearly runs me over, so my husband kicks up his foot and hits the guy's back bumper as he's going by (yeah, that's how close the fucker was). Guy stops his car, gets out and starts yelling shit, cussing my husband out telling him to come fight him and shit.
    Dude was like 6 feet tall, had long gray hair, and was pretty fuckin' crazy looking so I basically just pushed my husband in the other direction and told him to shut up and ignore it. As soon as we get maybe 50 feet away, the dude fucking gets back in his car and starts driving all slow, keeping pace with us from the other side of the parking lot. We had to walk behind the grocery store and down a dark grassy hill to get back to our house, and I wasn't about to do it with this guy following us, waiting to pick a fight, so we ended up just going into the grocery store and chilling out for like 15 minutes until the dude finally left.

    I swear, cars bring out the absolute worst in some people.

    Common courtesy is a dying art. :(
  7. That's some crazy shit! I was hoping this guy woulda got outta the car. I woulda fuuuucked him up.
  8. Yeah, he totally would have deserved it.

    Maybe you'll get to meet him again in a dark alley some day. Except this time, no mini-van. ;)

  9. never seen your tuff side b4 cottons/....i like it

    we dont need no water just let the motherfucker burn, burn motherfucker burn
  10. hah, i agree cars give people a false sense of power. People always try to punk me out in their cars, I walk everywhere due to a DUI this summer. When i cross roads i go right in front of traffic, not like a blind fool but i wait for a good time to go. If people wanna hit me then be my guest I'll either see you in the next life or ball it up in this one from my settlement.

    props on handling it like you did, woulda done the same thing.
  11. LOL! I'm really peaceful, by nature, but if the need arises I can throw the fuck down :D
  12. haha thats funny i would of heisman'd his ass
  13. cotton has a split personality,,,, you beast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p
  14. I wish I had the guts to flip on people like that, Some people think I could fuck somebody up but chances are I'd get my ass handed to me. Unless I got some capn in me. hah watch the fuck out!
  15. That last one depends on the state.

    In NYC, pedestrians do not have the right away.

    If you are not crossing at the crosswalk, when it is green, you are risking getting hit by a car. I've seen it happen a few times myself.
  16. damn man I would at leat gotten his plate, then hoe would have been royally fucked, you coulda sued his ass gotten lots of weed, and swam in it.
  17. LOL @ chicken... Yeah mayne, I do got a bit of that split personality... Actually, I'm bi-polar. I can control it for the most part, but if someone says the wrong thing I'll flip the fuck out. I usually hit inanimate objects 'cause if I were to take it out on a person, I'd be in jail for manslaughter or somethin...

    I'm not kidding, either... I also have a neurological disorder which triggers "fight or flight", but in a massive way. If someone were to get me into that state, I'd likely end up seriously injuring/killing them and not even know it... Like... If that guy woulda gotten outta his car... I'd be in prison right now, lol, so I guess it's good he hauled ass.

    Here in PA the #1 rule in the driving book is "yield to pedestrians"... If you have a green light on the highway, you still have to yield to pedestrians who may be in the roads.
  18. Don't trip Cottons. That fool keeps drivin like that, somebody will pull him out of the car and give him what's comin. At least it won't be you doin the time ya know.
  19. I would have went up to his window real fast and rocked the shit outta him.
  20. Yeah man... If I could go back I woulda opened his door and yanked his ass outta the car. But then I'd prolly be in jail... But then again, maybe not. He DID try to run my ass over, lol. I think I could get out on self defense, and 'cause I'm bi-polar, so I can't really be held accountable for my actions in that state :D

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