Some fucking BULLSHIT

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by smoke blunts, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. TL/DR at end. Very straightforward, please give advice!

    Hey GC,

    So here's some bullshit. I may have been driving with a suspended license since the start of the new year. Want the kicker? I have no insurance; I either drive my truck, which is technically a company vehicle, or my mom's car, which I am not insured on. Needless to say, if my license truly is suspended, I could be fucked if I get in an accident.

    Here's the breakdown. Got into 3 accidents very early on in my driving career (happened within the first 13-15 months, been driving a little over 3 years). Got a speeding ticket almost 2 years ago (96 in a 65). My understanding is that I have a combined 4 offenses (3 accidents, 1 ticket). My understanding is also that in MY situation, they can only suspend my license for 2 reasons:

    1. Unpaid speeding ticket
    2. Having 5 offenses and NOT taking a driver retraining course

    In August, after being removed from all those incidents for 2+ years, I got another speeding ticket (48 in a 30). Funny thing is I got both tickets in my dad's 2008 Chrysler 300 SRT- any wonder why?

    They put my ticket in for June, not August. Needless to say, they were threatening to suspend my license for an unpaid ticket. I went to the RMV, cleared it up by saying I'm scheduled for a hearing and that you guys entered the ticket into the system incorrectly. They said I was all set. THAT REMOVES REASON #1 FOR SUSPENSION.

    However, as it stood, I had 5 offenses and needed to take a retraining course. Well, I beat the ticket (NO IDEA HOW), so that puts me back at 4 offenses, no need to take the course (hearing officer even mentioned that I'd be exempt), and most importantly, IT REMOVED REASON #2 FOR SUSPENSION.

    I've gotten 3 letters saying that my license could be suspended if I fail to take a retraining course before the new year. Well, it's been the new year for 3+ weeks. What I want to know is- there is absolutely no reason I should be suspended, correct? Of course the RMV is terribly incompetent and I probably AM suspended, but from a legal standpoint, aren't I in the clear?

    I also want to know... if I get in any trouble for HAVING a "suspended" license, that can ALL be overturned, correct? Seeing as how I shouldn't technically be suspended in the first place, and it's the RMV's fault?

    I'd just like to point out that I don't want bullshit about how I drive. I'm not a reckless driver. I'm pretty far removed from my accidents, and I very very seldom speed. Well, technically I do, but only about 5 over, which around here, is VERY VERY VERY common/accepted/normal. I've gone by cops thousands of times going 5-7 over the limit and didn't even get a warning. And very often, I'll be going 5-7 over, and will have some guy riding my ass hard to get me to speed up.

    1. I have 4 total driving offenses in my driving history (3 accidents, 1 ticket)
    2. I am pretty far removed from all 4 (all 3 accidents happened over 2 years ago; got the ticket about a year and a half ago).
    3. Got another ticket about 10 months ago
    4. Originally, RMV wanted to suspend my license for unpaid ticket. Got it settled because I actually had a hearing scheduled, and they entered the ticket in for 6/25 (not 8/25), thus it said I was overdue.
    5. After that, RMV wanted to suspend my license at the new year if I didn't take a retraining course (for having 5 total offenses). Got the ticket overturned in October, well before 2010.

    6. Can they suspend me for any reason? They're obviously terribly incompetent, so even if they do suspend me for unjust reasons, am I in the clear if I ever catch heat for being on a "suspended" license? After all, it's their fault, not mine. From a legal standpoint and in MY understanding, I'm in the clear.
  2. 1. Call your lawyer.

    2. Try to do the speed limit.

    3. Don't drive unless you know youre straight.

    4. Stay safe.
  3. You shouldn't push your luck if you think you have a suspended license. I understand your arguments, but you're not a lawyer, neither am I, nor are most of the people who will respond to you here. Check with a lawyer, and until that time stay off the road. Also, I know you said you don't want bullshit about how you drive, but seriously man, when this is all cleared up slow down a little and just respect the rules of the road for your safety and the safety of those around you. 3 accidents is a lot, and when you're in your teens or early 20s 2 years may seem like a long time ago, but it really isn't. I'd have to think twice about getting in a car with someone who has your track record.
  4. I didn't read the entire thread but from what I did catch, you are an awful driver and don't appear to be willing to take responsibility for your own mistakes
  5. Like I said guys,

    I got in those accidents 2+ years ago. I take responsibility for them, but how many people get in a ton of accidents early on? A lot. Not all, but a lot. I drove like a major asshole when I was younger, and I realized it when my tranny blew in my 2002 car and totaled it. I beat on that tranny.

    Ever since getting the truck, I've adjusted. I haven't gotten in accidents. I got that 96 as a stupid barely-18 year old who was just letting loose in my dad's 430 HP car. I got the 48 in a 30 from being late to work. Stupid mistake, I know, but the road isn't supposed to be a 30. People in MA drive differently from everywhere else. It's just the environment.

    Those 2 speeding tickets, literally, are the only times I've ever sped that bad. Like I said, I'm usually around 5-7 over, which is average, if not below average.

    I take responsibility for my actions. But I'm 2+ years removed from 3 accidents, 1.5+ year removed from my ticket. The 48 in a 30, I'll admit, was a stupid mistake. But that's the only driving mistake I've made in recent history, and people make mistakes. I know a lot of you have gotten speeding tickets.
  6. You mentioned not having insurance so if you had a ticket for no insurance then that is grounds to suspend your license (at least in Texas). Suspending your license now seems to be something they look to do to get an extra $300 out of you. I had a no insurance ticket from seven years ago...I paid it because I no longer have the car. I in turn got a nice letter saying give us $300 a year for three years.

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