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some free regs

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by tonster0161, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. dad tossed me some bud yesterday about 2 grams,smoked about .5 its pretty good,this is what he smokes on the regular,and it aint really to bad at all for how cheap it is.(30 a quarter,60 for a half,and 100 and O)...

    and now for the pics lol:smoking: , first pick is a few nugs out of the bag,second is rest of the stash
    sorry for shitty cell phone pics,but good news is though i should have a nice camera soon :)

    Attached Files:

  2. looks like the weed i smoke and what i pay for it to except for the oz price i pay120. The herb even looks like mine!
  3. nothing better then free bud even if its reggies :hello:
  4. Anything free is worth saving up for.
  5. Can't complain if it's free! Doesn't look that bad also.
  6. its nice to having some decent mids for rolling lots of joints.:smoke:
  7. ya its a decent everyday smoke, i don't mind smoking it:smoking:
    im thinking of getting a blunt tomorrow and attempting to roll, i haven't rolled a blunt in a while but i feel confident, if i do roll one ill post a pic of it.I'm thinking of getting a green game but i dont know for sure yet
  8. Best things in life are free.

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