some flower pics :D

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mista Dank, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. these are some pics of the ladys they are 3 weeks into flowering :D it has been a few since i posted the preflower pics so heres a few pics of some of the ladys
  2. nice:hello: dude...what kind of strain...and when do u harvest
  3. all of these ladys are of unknown strains got them from the despencery unknown so when they are ready to harvest they will let us know
  4. Kowabunga Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. They look good. Is that hydroponics? What was your pH during the veg cycle?
  6. #6 Mista Dank, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011

    nope im a dirt farmer :D used to keep them ph`d at 5.2, 5.3 now the ph of all the nutes are at 6.2 and they seem happy about it :D

  7. great ass grow that you got there...check out my grow:D
  8. not to be rude but why do you grow a plant 3 feet tall if you cut off the bottom 2 feet of plant and just have a stem? i never understood why they do this could you explain the reason behind it??
  9. im also curious why the lower half is cut. but otherwise it looks pretty healthy, how much are you expecting on yield?
  10. Yeeeaah, Diggin the ninja turtle. I got jar-jar binks im my grow op. Plants lookin good.
  11. plants look nice. the 1 pick shows what looks like possible spider mite thing goin on. (notice small specks on leaves). you might be aware of this and if so please just ignore me! i use water/garlic spray, never fails me.
  12. Love the ninja turtle!:smoke:

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