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Some buds look done some don’t ???

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Cj47, May 14, 2023.

  1. Hi people, could you tell me what’s going on with my buds? I am 9 weeks into flower, I am using coco with a 4000w bestva led light, and a 6” fan, I will attach some pics to this thread, thanks.

    Attached Files:

  2. Buds on photo 1 and 4 are not ready. But I would look at the trichomes with a loupe to determine when to harvest.
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  3. Okay I will check the trichomes when I get home, thanks man
  4. getting close 1 more week or 10% amber
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  5. Yea I will be checking the trichomes later I will probably feed for one more week then flush, thanks
  6. just water normal. Do not add nutrients for the last week or so . Never say flush in a chat room. Lol.
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  7. Ok lol I’l take note, thanks
  8. #8 nachoboomer, May 16, 2023
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
    9 weeks from the flip? or when you noticed pistols? It takes as long as it needs to take, be patient. None of those look ready for 2-3 wks imo. :rolleyes: the leaves are looking too green, too healthy those plants don't appear to have begun the end of life devouring their own stored nutes, could use some defoliating??? Look at the plants as a whole, not just at the trichs. The home stretch always seems to have some drama. Wk 6 from the flip today & the tmv showed up.:confused_2:
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  9. 9 weeks from flip, and the only defoliating I done was a week before flip, I was told you shouldn’t defoliate during flower?? And sorry for being a dummy but what is tmv?? Thanks man
  10. tmv = tobacco mosaic virus. If some fan leaves (usually the ones in the center of the plant) are blocking light for the rest, I remove them. Right or wrong??? Let the force guide you Luke.
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  11. Ahhh ok il remove any leaves blocking budsites, thanks man, along time ago in a galaxy far far away haha
  12. A word to the wise CJ, wait for 2 or more people to agree on something before trying it, I could be FOS. ;)
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  13. Ok nachoboomer I will get a couple more opinions, thanks I appreciate it!
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  14. I would say that your buds will be ready in another week or two. Ultimately, it depends on your preference as far as how long to let your buds go. Scoping with a loupe is always a great option.

    As far as defoliation goes, I generally defol every 10 days in flower. So day 10, 20, 30, 40 and then a pre-harvest defol 3-5 days before harvest.

    As far as how heavily you defol mostly depends on your strategy and growing experience. A good rule of thumb is remove 10% of the leaves every 10 days (large fan leaves with red petioles that have nodes at least 1-2 inches in length, thin out the dense parts of the canopy). As you become more experienced you will find that different cultivars require different strategies for defoliation based off a variety of factors.

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