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Some Bastards Stole My Plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by M369, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. 7 months of dedication and hard work doin everything i could to make my babies grow to be strong healthy marijuana plants, fertalising them, correcting the ph, transplanting them, and water everyday, they reach a massive size of over 1.5m....
    1 week away from harvest so exciting, 1st grow, cant wait, estimated 30 ounces!

    and WHEN i find the people that done this too me there WILL be some broken bones, big bones!
    but no they aint that bad the left me my smallest one, about a half ounce on it... how fuckin thoughtful of them... bastards!!!!!!!!!!
    to anyone that this has happened too im sure u understand y im so angry.
  2. lol that sux. so i bet you told someone you was growin in your backyard
  3. That's a brutal fucking you took. But let this passage be of comfort to you:

    They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
    He that goeth forth and weepeth,
    bearing precious seed,
    shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
    - Psalms 126: 4-6
  4. I feel comforted.

    "And he went forth from that place known as Backyard and did find the Philistines who transgressed against him, and there was much wailing and kicking of asses..."
    -I Corinthians 11-22 KJV
  5. Sons of Bitches! Do you have any leads on who the evildoer(s) is/are?
    Do be discrete when you
    [SIZE=-1]wreak vengeance. I don't think a judge would be too sympathetic to beating someone down (and breaking things) because they stole your grass...even though justice will have been served. I guess what I'm saying is don't get caught.
  6. when you find them stomp a mud hole in their asses so big they will taste your shoelaces for a month! better yet when u find out who it was plan a little swarey and invite them and a few of YOUR good buddies over tie them to the lalley column in the basement and use them as pinata's simple case dismissed!
  7. i been doin some snoopin bout and i have my suspects goin to go visit them soon with some muscle and we are taking no prisoners... i want it back and some blood too..
    im not a happy bunny...
    you seen the pics didnt ya oldschool
  8. "And he went forth from that place known as Backyard and did find the Philistines who transgressed against him, and there was much wailing and kicking of asses..."
    -I Corinthians 11-22

    happened to me last year. Really hurts. tried to huntem down,get revenge if not reparation etc. Eventually, thief that did it drunkenly confessed to my sons friend+left town.
    so a yr+2 days later[but who's counting], i have a taller fence+ harvest underway.
    btw,this wasnt 'loose lips' -guy was a roofer.

    So-at some point i had to pray that whoever smoked any of my pot would become a better person.

    your sister in loss is feelig for you.....this too shall pass:hippie:
  9. Ouch. I'm sorry.
  10. The gods were cruel to fuck you so, mat369.
  11. sad to hear that happened...if you told someone im sure they got greedy...
  12. Yeah you have to be very careful who you tell. Although I have grown up a bit since.

    BAck in my high school days a long time ago. A buddy of mine befreinded an outsider. The outsider told him about his brothers plants. His brother planted....sexed and had him watering his plants. There were about 50 of them....the guy told my buddy that he could see them from his house. Knowing where he lived we just went out there one october night and harvested them ourselves. We didnt take them all but we took enough to have sensi and coinage for the winter.

    Its usually someone you know....or maybe even kids nearby.

    About a year after my big heist....I was talking to a respected cousin of mine. He was in on that grow and mentioned to me about being ripped off. Anyway, of course I denighed it. We were going to do our own grow and we had things started. Then his girlfirend (now wife) found out about it and destroyed all the plants.

    Sorry to hear about it.....that would make me pretty vengeful.
  13. Don't tell anyone but the closest friends...try to find some leads...revenge is needed. Just remember to lay low.
  14. justice has been made and i have one of my plants bk(the biggest one) turns out it was kids, but after a few threats and promises of broken bones, we managed to get a name and hunted the kid down, he didnt put up any fight n just gave it straight bk i think he knew he was in shit.... so gd result people:hello:
  15. What happened to the other plants?
  16. Sorry to hear of your violation . but there is a moral to this story TELL NO ONE OF YOUR GROW ! ! ! its always the closest to you that thrust the knife the deepest . if you play your cards correctly you will find out who did this to you and then its there turn
  17. Uhhh he just said he got his weed back. :p
  18. take no revenge ! what get in trouble for plants you cant get back it sucks and all but its part your fault it was one of your guys ! in life are enemys cant do to much but our friends they can throw us to the wolves if the wanted!!!!!!! and sometimes they do ............................................but when i wan younger some of them would have got $100 beatdowns from a badman
  19. That happened to me i had a 5 foot plant in early july not even half way through the season and it got stolen it would of been huge it had leaves twce the size of my hands...=[

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