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Some advice?...My parents found my stuff and are like "%£$!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sith, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Yea the title says it all, I've been smoking for like the last 3 years (im 21 now), but just recently my parents found my stuff, even though it was well hidden.

    They were basically actively looking for shit. Unfortunately i'm still living at home and as soon as my parents found out they were like wtf.

    My mum's da religious type she's like you're going to promise me you'll never touch any 'substance' again and shit (you have to swear on my life), and my dad pretty much like you live here you do what I say (fukin tamil/brown parents).

    Now they're also like you can't see this friend X and Y, cos they're the guys you're always hanging out with and I'm sure you're doing it with them (which i sometimes do, lol). Im at uni at the moment 2nd year. And I also have to like come back home by a certain time now (like 11 or 12) and shit. So basically means that smoking, drinking, and late night sex are out of the question.

    My initial thought was to move out, but then I'm like shit i'll need more money than I have now. Plus accommodation is freakin expensive where I live. So, i'm thinking I should just wait another one and a half years finish my degree then move out... But i really don't know if i cold handle 1 and half years living with my parents and bullshit rules, and no smoking.

    What would you guys do?

    Has anyone else ever had parents like this?

    Don't they realize that as soon as I can afford it I'm going to move out and never give a shit what they say afterward?

    (lol, I just joined grasscity but I've been reading posts here for ages, I love the 'you laugh you lose' and stories, its very funny after a few.....)
  2. What would I do? I'd tell them "I'm 21, legal to drink, smoke and vote. Deal with it. I'll also associate with whoever I please. It may be your house, but you're half the reason I smoke". lol
  3. only problem is that my dad was bout to throw me out when he found out (my mum was like no)....I really wouldn't want to push my luck! lol
  4. I bet your dad has smoked pot before and is only kissing your moms ass lol. I bet he is probably smoking it right now XD.
  5. Not to bash you or anything but I can't fathom how adults (18+) in college, still living with their parents, can still be bossed around and "grounded" at such an age.

    I dont know, maybe my parents and I have a great relationship, but I never had this problem with my rents ever. Not anyone else in my extended family either. Put your foot down, act like an adult. Say you respect the fact you live at their house and all, and that you love them, but you're not going to listen to the be home by 11 rule, and you will smoke, albeit maybe now at a friends house instead of your own (if you even smoked at your crib in the first place.)
  6. Tell them it is the only thing that helps you with sleep/headaches/anxiety/digestive problems/whatever they'll believe. Kind of low but it might work. Also make sure they're informed about the relative dangers of smoking tobacco vs. weed, drinking vs. smoking, smoking vs. vaporization, and see if you can compromise with them (e.g. you get to smoke as long as you maintain 3.5, and as long as you use a vaporizer and don't smoke blunts)

    My parents were a little angry and suspicious when I was younger, but I'm 20 and they've kind of realized it's too late and there are worse things I could be doing.
  7. My parents caught me smoking when i was like 18 i think? I had hidden my pipe and my stash in my car and my dad was looking through my car for some reason and found it. He told me to sit down and we had a conversation about it. My parents don't like the fact that i smoke and up until i turned 20 they drug tested me randomly every now and then.

    For a person in your position since your still living with your parents i would say this:
    1. If your concerned that your actions from here on out are going to risk your housing situation, then either stop smoking for a bit or find some ingenious way to continue smoking without any sort of suspicion.
    2. Since your 21 now, you could tell your parents that your an adult now, and you can consciously make your own decisions affecting your life.
    3. Just plain stop smoking and give it up until you move out
    4. Get your OWN apartment?
    5. start doing a different drug (although i would not recommend that, im just posing suggestions/solutions)
  8. Well, you should probably move out lol. It's their house, their rules.
  9. i'd have to agree with above. As much as it is your life and your body and every other arguement there is, it is still your parents house. Smoke outside of the house, and keep all weed/ weed products either well hidden in a garage, or at a friends house who you trust. Once you live on your own, do what you please. until then, you dont really have much of an arguement.
  10. so fucking true, man..
  11. Find better hiding spots.. I use to go through this shit all the time. It kinda goes away over time if you ignore it.
  12. I guess the best way to do it is to be respectful. Tell them that you're not going to stop, use the fact that you're (hopefully successful) at a university and that you using it is an adult choice. Tell them you won't bring it into their house as per their (lame) rules but don't lie to them, tell them you're going to continue using away from them and their house. There's no point in making it out to be an argument like when you're in 7th grade where they can just flat out get you in trouble for something dumb. You're 21 and you can make adult choices... but you have to respect their home and be honest in order to have a pleasant relationship with them.
  13. sounds like your parents are pretty stuck up....i hide my stashes from my rents so they wont smoke it. at any're 21....move out...thats about all you can do. :smoking:
  14. Move out.

    At 21 years old, your parents are not accepting that you are an adult and can make decisions for yourself. They probably can't be reasoned with.

    College is supposed to be a time of partying and exploring your own identity. They don't accept that and are standing in your way of doing it.

    Yeah, it'll suck having to pay for an apartment, trying to work enough to make money to live on while also taking classes, but it's better than continuing to let you parents treat you like a child.

    And I bet if you move out, stay in school, keep moving forward in your life, your parents will respect your decisions more and if they are like mine, once they get over the shock of you saying "FU, I'm moving out" and they'll send you money and gifts and shit and offer to help you financially if you need it...
  15. In my opinion, if your 21 they have no business telling you how to live your life or snoop around your room like that, but unfortunately as long as your under their roof you have no say. You need to get some money and get the hell out of there.
  16. What the fuck? You're 21.
  17. If the cops got a tip from the neighbor about you smoking the blame will be on your parents. Their house, their rules. It's very disrespectful to still have illegal substances in their house. No matter your views if the cops came they would get in trouble. They could lose everything because of you.

    Your parents raised you from the ground up for 21 years, you owe them everything, obey their rules. Until you get out and get your own place respect what they say.
  18. I know I started this thread bare long ago....and there hasn't been any posts in a while.... but just to close it up, I actually did move out! And now im a bout to roll 1 up :)

  19. This ^^^.
    And move out. It's not that hard.
  20. be the best son ever, soon they shall forget. hit a bong in your room when they are asleep

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