Solved airflow issue... And just topped my very first plant... Hope it turns out well?!?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by No juice, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

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  2. What strain is she?
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  3. No clue? Its bag seed... Waiting a lil longer and I'm going to try to clone and flower for sex?

    Sent from my BLU STUDIO 5.0 C HD using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. If your going to take clones from it that's a better way to go than cloning while she's flowering from what i've heard.
  5. OK... Yes I was gonna keep it in veg phase for a long period. If female. Get as many clones without killn it and flower momma last... Maybe june-july

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  6. [​IMG]

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  7. [​IMG]waiting another 45 days and then I'm flowering... Will I need MRE light for this process???? Need help?
  8. *more

    Sent from my BLU STUDIO 5.0 C HD using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. You will need more light than those cfls for dense buds,but you could scrape through with cfls but I would get an hps personally.
  10. OK... What do they usually go for??? And can I get them from a hydro store or offline???

    Sent from my BLU STUDIO 5.0 C HD using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. I bought a 600watt dimmable ballast for £100 and the bulbs are roughly £20.

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  12. Ok... That's not bad. About to do a lil research and look up a few places.

    Sent from my BLU STUDIO 5.0 C HD using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  13. Or you could buy a red spectrum cfls this time,as you don't need ballasts with cfls.Your plant may need putting in a bigger pot,but don't quote me on that,as autos don't like transplantimg. Healthy looking plant BTW.Well done

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