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Solo vape sesh help please

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Cereena, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Yesterday i smoked from my pax ploom, 1g.
    I smoked for 40 mins until I actually felt high
    It was amazing!
    But also scary very scary
    I locked myself in a room so no one could smell it. My mouth was so dry.
    All the bad things in my life came back ect i had a bad phobia of kidnappers and i was so paranoid i wanted it to end so badly i felt like i was dying but it felt so damn good I overdid it because i had to turn the light of and think like i was sleeping basiclaly my questuons are (this was my 3rd time vaping)
    Im planning on doing it again but at home in a week
    1- i hate how long it takes to get high (40mins) can i get high quickly like in 5 min (on a vape)
    2- i inhale then hold it then exhale for 4 secs
    Then i leave a 3min gap
    I breathe it in like im brething air in
    Is this the correct method?
    3- if i was to do it again i dont want to freak out like i did and feel alone i want to be relaxed and chilled not depressdd thinking all bad things.could happen how do i prevent this?
    4-if i was to do it in the bath at home would i freak out? Could u smell the vape (concidering the bathroom is small to medium)
    Appreciate the answers you give x
  2. Vaping still leaves behind a smell just so ya know.

    And maybe take your 10 to 12 hits in 6 minutes or less for the high to come on sooner.
  3. Why do you wait 3 minutes in between tokes?

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