I purchased Great Lakes soil because the guy explained I would need nothing throughout...4 weeks now into flowering the leaves are turning light green yellow as if there’s some sort of definciency ....anyone else had this problem what should I do? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I am not an organic grower but most likely you will need to top dress with some sort of meal or poop. Hope that puts you in the right direction at least. I think you also have the option to use bottle nutes but since you started organic might as well finish on your same routine
Yeah toss a bit of soil on top and when you water the microbes and everthing seep down. Sent from my Z965 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ok thanks I’ll get some tomorrow and do 2 gallons on top of each Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
come on over to the Organics section, we will be glad to help you. I've used great lakes, one of two brands of commercial bagged "seed to harvest water only " soil and it was definitely the better of the two, but not great. if you made it to 4 weeks into flower water only so far before any issues you are doing well. don't bother buying more soil, you don't need it. spend your money elsewhere instead - I'd buy some high quality earthworm castings (ewc) and some kelp meal. I'd topdress with about a cup or two of ewc and a tablespoon of kelp meal and water it in. if you really want to give your plant a boost you can make a nice tea. lots of options. just my quick assessment, come over to organics and people lots better than me will most likely have even better options for you.