Soil Question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Snake Eyez, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. If I'm using the Fox Farms Trio does it matter if I use a walmart soil? like Miracle Grow or something? Just curious because the Fox Farms soil looks pretty pricy.

    Snake Eyez
  2. If you're gonna feed everything, you can use any soil. Be carefull if you're gonna use a soil with nutes or ferts in it, that combined with the FF, you dont overdo it. I think MG is a little heavy. I just use PromixBX. Like $35 a bale, and you can fill probably 16-5 gallon buckets.
  3. not really, just make sure of two things

    1. if ur growing indoors be sure to buy the soil from inside the store and not the stuff stored outside.

    2. be aware that miracle grow and the like have time released fertilizers sometimes last up to six months. there fore if u feed with ur trio u run the risk of over ferting.

    check out how much sunshine pro mix is, if it is available.
  4. i'll look into both products and make sure not to overfeed.
    thanks for the advice.
  5. Just get a bag of dirt that has no nutes in it. check the N-P-K of the bag and just buy the one with the lowest N-P-K because you will need nutes just not right away. I am useing the same FF trio for hydro and soil and my dirt had nothing in it and my friend is useing MG soil and he has had more issues with nute lock and nute burn.
  6. Do you have to use the promix all at one time? How do you mix the stuff?

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