I'd like to get the highest quality unit available. Anyone have experience with multiple brands? Cost is not an issue. I can get almost anything at wholesale.
My Hannah pH wand ($40) busted on me in less than 1 year. I babied the thing, as instructed, and it still crapped out. Can't offer more than that though. The GroCheck Combo meter has been ordered as a replacement. I found it for $120 on igrowhydro.com Hydroponic Systems - Hydroponics, Advanced Nutrients, Grow Lights, and all the supplies for your home garden and grow room needs.
Get a 3 in 1 Hydroponic Soil Moisture Light PH Meter Analyzer $4.29 on ebay and it does light,soil moisture, and soil ph. I have used it for over a year now.
Don't even bother with those with the prongs you stick in the soil. They are so inaccurate as to be less than useless, you will be trying to correct the wrong pH. Get a decent digital meter. eseasonsgear on ebay carries all types and is a great place to compare different manufacturers. I have the Milwaukee SM-101 and it is spot on. You might like something else. Wet
Cool. Thanks for the input so far. I'm definitely not going the cheap route. I was looking at the Hanna: HANNA Soil pH Meter - Lab Safety Supply Looks like they retail for $400-$500, so I can get it for about half off. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this one. I'm also looking at the Bluelab version. Bluelab Soil pH Meter Thanks for the heads up on the Milwaukee. I'll look into it as well.
WOW!!!!!! I really think those would not be a good choice. Besides being on the expensive side (even at 1/2 off), they are limited to soil, yes? With a digital meter, not only can you check the soil pH via runoff or making a slurry and testing that, you can also check your water, nutes, whatever liquids that need testing. Up to you, but I think you would be making an expensive mistake IMO. Regular meters can get spendy also. Mine cost ~$75. The one we use at work cost $750. Wet
The Oakton Eco 2 Ph tester is a good choice. I have had this thing for over a year, and have dropped it multiple times on tile floor, dropped it in my nutrient reservoir as well, and it still works just as I bought it new. Some cool features it has that cheap $40 ph testers done have is temp compensation, which is a big one IMO. The temp of the water you are testing can throw cheap ph testers off big time. It also has digital calibration which is handy, and it is very durable and 100% waterproof and floats! These run about $90 and are well worth it
I already have a combo pen from Hanna: http://www.gemplers.com/product/G78130/Hanna-Combo-Meter-pH-EC-TDS , A pH meter from bluelab; Bluelab pH Meter and the bluelab truncheon; Amazon.com: Bluelab Commercial Truncheon Meter (EC/PPM): Patio, Lawn & Garden IMO, High quality equipment is never a waste of money. I WANT a meter that is for measuring SOIL pH and nothing else. I've got all the other bases covered. I want a probe I can actually stick in the dirt, not something that measures runoff.... already have that, but thanks for the concern.
Totally agree about good equipment. I always buy the best I can afford, which usually pisses my wife off when I don't get the cheapest POS there. If everything else is covered, both of those seem to be fine meters. Wet