soil mix

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by wannablunt, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. hey whats a good cheap soil mix to use for a small indoor garden?:confused:
  2. Peat, compost, and perlite mixed with an organic dry fertilizer.
  3. :hello: YESS!

    Ive had great success with 3 parts perlite, 5 parts peat moss, 3 parts mg potting mix

    the mg mix has nutrients but wayyy to harsh for seedlings/sprouts IMO. The perlite an peat moss seem to balance well withthe potting mix..

  4. i do not recommend peatmoss at all for growing cannabis high acid is hard for the plants. a simple mix of potting soil black dirt and perlite works well and is easy to get. ratios are kinda come and go so do some reading for what best suits you
  5. 1 Bale: ProMix BX
    30 lbs: Earthworm Castings
    4 Cups: Dolomite Lime (Powdered)
    12 Gallons: Perlite
    1 lb: Mykos and GreatWhite Mixed then added to the soil (Obviously more Mykos than Great White)

    Mix it well then wet with 2 gallons of RO Water and a tablespoon of unsulphured black strap molasses mixed in. Allow it to set for 2 weeks, stirring periodically. Wet with 2 gallons of RO water 2 or 3 days prior to using so you have a good consistency for transplanting.

    Enjoy :D
  6. Everything you need is at homeydepot/lowses for about $50.

    Bale of peat moss, $17
    2 bags of compost, $12
    Bag of perlite, $11
    8# bag of Epsoma Plant Tone, $11

    A little over $50, total with tax and your growing with plenty of organic goodness. This could be a water only mix, start to finish. Or you could add things like extra alfalfa and kelp. Don't believe the peat thing. The microbes in the compost are your ph adjusters. If they are happy, your plant will be happy. Buy some limestone if you are really worried about it.

    3 parts peat
    2-3 parts compost
    2-3 parts perlite, depending on factors/opinions/pots/environment
    Add dry fert to the mix according to label
  7. small indoor grow...

    1 bag Happy Frog
    5 gal perlite
    16 cups ewc
    3 cups lime
    3 cups espoma plant-tone
    2 cups each bone, blood, kelp meals what I'm currently using, makes about 22 gal :smoke:
  8. It gives great drainage.. But i agree, ratios caan be tweaked
  9. Quality compost completely negates the acidity of peat. Poke around the organic journals if you don't buy it...
  10. i have great results with happy frog straight out the bag n its reasonably priced, i pay $18 for 2 cf. recently ive been adding a bit of kelp meal and bone meal to it with excellent results n minimal fertilizing

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