Soil grow.. ph up/down

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Deleted member 568253, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Hey i was wondering what is a good household organic ph up and down for a soil grow?

    or whould it be best to just buy some ph up and down in the bottles?
  2. Vinager will lower it
    Baking powder (sodium carbonate) will raise it
  3. is that better than just buying ph up and down in the bottle
  4. You don't need pH up and down for an organic grow in soil. As long as the soil is properly amended and the microbes are supplemented then the soil will buffer the pH on its own.

    But, if you'd still like to do it. Fulvic acid as a pH down and Protekt as a pH up are your best choices.

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