Soil composition?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Weedsmokingasian, Dec 28, 2023.

  1. We just legalized in Ohio and this is probably my 4th or 5th time growing so I'm not a amateur or expert necessarily. Been doing lots of reading. Last time I did alright with topsoil mixed with manure and compost with liquid nutrients. This time I bought some garden soil from a local garden store. I mixed with some cow manure and mushroom compost and leaf compost. It's their house brand, it has bark chips and when I water the solo cups it runs right through pretty quick and stays wet for 3 or 4 days. I think I already have fungus gnats. Trying to wait 3 days between waterings. Plants were growing slow at first (probably because I started with Led flourescent then switched to full spectrum Led and overwatering) but starting to bloom faster now at week 3. I tested with a soil kit and it said that the soil was too alkaline like 7.5. I tried putting less than a spoonful of aluminum silicate to lower ph in 6 different cups and those ended up growing slower than the ones without. The rest caught up by themselves. Anyways just some background info.

    My question is I am getting ready to transplant into either 3 gallon or 5 gallon and I want the soil ratio perfect to avoid problems. I already have liquid nutes Grow big and Tiger bloom. How much garden soil to manure to mushroom compost to leaf compost or should I just do one or the other? I'm also using perlite. Should I use coco coir as well? Should I incorporate blood meal for acidity or is that too much nitrogen?

    Another question. If I sterilize the soil should I sterilize it with the compost and manure amended or does the compost and manure itself not need to be sterilized?
  2. Best thing I ever figured out was to make my own humus soil then mix with peat and perlite. I usually do 30% peat 20% perlite and 50% humus soil.
    Give that a couple weeks to cook it's self up, you can add blended aloe leaf (if you have an aloe plant)to kick start some good microbes going. It'll help speed up the cook time.

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