soil/clone question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ruttenit, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I have 4 clones that I cut about 48 hours ago. I also just found out that the soil that I was told to use isn't a good soil. miracle gro potting mix 3 months moisture control. How can I transplant them clones into a different soil without hurting them?
  2. No ideas? I would like to do somthing before its to late if its not already to late.
  3. Well I just replanted them into another kind of soil. I guess I will see what happens
  4. well its done...nothin should go wrong it may have slowed growth but will bounce back in a week or two. The only important part of transplanting is making sure you attempt to not disturb the roots and make sure that the new soil and old soil is well moistened after the transplant so the roots dont end up hittin a dry spot...ouch.
  5. Well, that's the only thing you could have done. There's no other solution.

    Try and keep them under controlled environment, with air as close to 100% humidity as possible (use a transparent plastica bag, or something like that). And leave the clones under indirect light until you notice they are starting to grow new leaves. That's when you'll know they're rooted and ready to be put under direct light for optimal grow.

  6. And remember never ever ever ever use anything that says Miracle Grow on it again...anything!
  7. Not even there fertilizer? Thats good to know because thats what i have is MG stuff. Can't find anything else around here, I have to order it,.

    Thanks for the replys
  8. Use worms soil stuff. That's what I use. The plants don't do GREAT like some other people here, but they don't got any problems either.

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