Anybody have any input on these products?I want to use them to supplement my soil cheaply. I need to cover approximately 90 sq/ft. I know that the Triple Super Phosphate is not 100% organic but it's supposed to be available to plants immediately. Nitrogen Sources 36 lb. Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer - Milorganite 36# at The Home Depot View Product Phosphorous Source View Product
I, personally, would not use Milorganite Here is why Check the 'humanure' thread to make your own for cheaper!!! I'm not claiming an aversion to 'humanure' per se, but I am claiming on aversion to a 'biosolids fertilizer produced by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District'. I'm a pretty healthy guy and I'm not about to sh!t in my garden. I'm sure as hell not going to let the entire city of Milwaukee do it! The other 2 products aren't organic .... probably not good to use if an organic garden is your goal.
Craigslist. Post a want ad for old bags of soil etc. Post one is the Garage sales list also. People move don't usually take their openned bags of soil or fertilizers with them Or you can do like I did.... I posted an ad looking for lawn clippings, leaves, rabbit manure, cow pies etc and made a nice compost pile.