I'm gathering information regarding doing a perpetual sog microgrow, and I'm wondering if autoflowers done 12/12 from seed would work, compared to doing photoperiod clones. The theoretical benefits would be no need for a cloning chamber, just a small area to make feminized seeds from colloidal silver or the like. Question about this; this won't make any weird genetics will it? I thought it was almost like cloning itself, sort of. The other theoretical benefit to autos is the energy savings. 12/12 from seed saves a decent amount of money, and with them being autos, they should flower in a shorter time, if I understand correctly. Pros of clones is that they absolutely work, and are more dialable, I believe. You absolutely know what the plant likes, and responds to Con is increased space needs, due to cloning chamber, and increased energy costs. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I feel like I'm barking up the wrong tree, as if it was this easy, everyone would do it this way
Running autos 12/12 from seed will accomplish nothing. Autos don't rely on daily light interval to flower. Plus they don't flower in a shorter amount of time. Autos still take a good 8 weeks in flower (most).
I was only considering running 12/12 for autos to save money, I know it won't affect the flowering I'm fine with them taking however much time they need if they'll fit into smaller space, going for about 24 by 14 by 28, and will not be too terrible of a yield (would hope for 7 grams dry per plant). I wouldn't be growing for just thc either, I'd like to have strains that have cbd, cbg, and maybe even thcv. I know royal queen seeds has a thc/thc strain, and others have cbd/cbdv strains, and there are mainly cbg strains as well. Would be medical, personal use, not necessarily recreational, and not for profit at all. Mostly trying to determine if autoflowers fit my needs. Not set on them by any means. If I could keep a photo period small and fit in the area, I would not care either way, but my reading ha said this is less likely unless getting a solid indica
they aren't going to fit into a smaller space necessarily. Autos can get quite large depending on the strain. That space is too small to grow anything worthwhile. Why waste 13 weeks to produce 7 grams.......? the cost is not even close to worth it. Sounds like you need to do a LOT more research before jumping into this. Here's one of my journals.....maybe it will offer some insight. Blueberry Cheese from seed | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online
I'm using the famous dr.budgreengenes' post over on icmag as a guide. He uses closes, 2 or 3 inch clones, in the 24x14x28 space I mentioned, with cfls, and says he gets 7 grams or more with his kids. He grows several clones at a time, so low yield is fine. I was hoping to embody the spirit of this, without the cloning chamber to save space and money, in addition to making things more simple.
Ok, well that's not going to work with autos. One can easily get 8 oz out of a 3x3x6 tent in13-15 weeks with 2 plants. Why bother will all this complex, low yield crap? What is to be gained?
You have a good point. I guess the point was to create budscicles, as this seems to be the growing style of the post I mentioned. Plus using cfls, as they are efficient, and cheap. Not penetrating, but you don't win them all. I am trying to adapt something to the size of my very small home, under 800 square feet, so space in my home has to be utilized very efficiently. Plus I can't be spending lots of money on cooling hpslights, nor leds, as they are a good fit but even cheap ones are bit expensive and too big for my spaces. Perhaps I will simply look into 12/12 from photo seed, using cfls, growing in small containers, and creating feminized seeds. I basically want to keep things as simple as possible. Would prefer not to have to train them, just plant, water, feed, forger.
Light is what creates dense, buds. CFL's aren't going to cut it. A 3x3x6 tent doesn't take up much room at tall and allows for a 200-300 watt LED light to be used, which is more than enough to allow the plants to develop to their full potential. I gave you one of my journal links, read it, then decide if what you are thinking is going to be worth it.
you may digress and learn the fine art of CS(colloidal silver DIY) HERE that way all your autos or photos will be female, once you have enough seeds you can then plant out to your hearts desire, but I'd go for a larger space have you a link for dr.budgreengenes' post >>??? good luck
https://www.icmag.com/threads/compact-sog-with-cfls.64997/ Is the original post. I'm going to look into the post suggested, and learn from it. I promise I am not trying to be difficult, I just have a few specific and strict parameters. It's all about height, and yield to me. Time growing doesn't matter too much to me, as I can just stagger planting and keep it as perpetual as possible. Bud density doesn't matter to me. This will be for personal, medical use. It's going to be consumed whether leafy, pretty, or smelling good. Height matters as I want to keep the growing area small, and ideally able to be disguised as a cabinet, legal safety is very important, just in case. Basically, thanks to all for commenting and trying to help me. I really do appreciate it, and it has been a pleasant time posting here. Not going away or anything, just wanted to say thanks.
I have done 12/12 from seed. They grew just like an auto and in about the same amount of time. It absolutely will affect the flowering, in a negative way. Autos like 20-24 hours of light. Agreed. Buy a real light. They can be found second hand for pennies on the dollar.
My last auto gave me about 18 o/z in DTW in my grow journal mephisto double grape DTW if you want to look at a auto under 18/6 light schedule.