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Sobe hits?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WyoHunter420, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Last night I smoked for my first time and it was awesome. But then my friend was talking to me about sobe something. It like u put a bowl on top then fill the bottle with smoke and take off the lid and breathe it all in. So can someone explain how exactly to do that. And also is that better or an apple? Cause that's what I used last night.
  2. Wth? Lol, just roll up joints, blunts, or rip pieces.
  3. Makes me think of a gravity bong
  4. yea bro its a pisser aka gravity bong look it up on google and you will find it
  5. Ok cool thanks.
  6. Get a bong, you'll thank me later.
  7. Shouldn't smoke from plastic bottles, just get rolling papers if your poor.
  8. Ya ima try and get a bong once I get paid in a week. And if not a plastic bottle could I use a glass snapple bottle?
  9. He's talking about a gravity bong (the smaller version). The bowl piece is on the lid, and there is a hole in the bottom of the bottle that you cover with your finger. Fill the bottle up with water, hold your lighter over the bowl and move your finger to let the water run out. The water should suck the smoke into the bottle, and just when there's next to no water unscrew the lid and inhale all the smoke.

  10. Sobs is good to drink after you smoke because it's tasty and helps with cottonmouth
  11. As are 5000 other drinks :p

  12. Well. Didn't say sobe was a heal all elixer and no other soft drink can compair to now did I ?:p

  13. i thought Sobe bottles were glass
  14. dude gravity bongs are the shit if you are trying to take a 2 liter hit :smoke:

    but imo real bongs are better since gravity bongs dont really cool the smoke much

  15. not with this damn economy :'(
  16. Gravity bong
    1.Put a glass stem and bowl in the lid as air tight as you can
    2.Poke a hole in the bottom of the container
    3. Set the the container in the water without the lid on
    4.load bowl and put cap on
    5. Put the container out of the water completely as you light the bowl
    6. The water will drain out the hole and draw the smoke in
    7. When the water completely drains, the container will be full of smoke
    8. Take the lid off and inhale the smoke
    (Caution very large hits)
  17. ^That is a waterfall bong, not a gravity bong. A gravity bong is a 2 liter or milk jug cut with a bucket full of water, does the same thing though.

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