So my Phire that I got at a local shop got broken at a party, luckily I still had the diffused downstem and bowl so I put them to use with a plastic sobe bottle because I dont have the funds to replace it with an actual piece. I got some sweet lemon skunk packed in the bowl. it's air tight and it should hit hard.
maybe it wasnt sobe but it looked like sobe and it had some pretty tasty pink fruity juice in it but i dnt remember what the label said, shit this is gonna drive me crazy now
man so much negativity on GC lately ..OP nice way to Macgyver yourseself a way to smoke .. i mean GOG is great but in a pinch good job...
i have a glass pipe and a roller and papers; I just missed having a bong. I don't want a cheap gas station piece. I'm just going to make due with what I have until I can afford a piece that I really want. Im not gonna spend 30 bucks on a crappy piece when i can make my own crappy piece and spend that 30 on more plant life lol. I did this out of boredom not neccesity