So you're an atheist?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Nizbomb, May 6, 2011.

  1. I feel bad for the Gnostic Atheist. I feel that he fails to exist as a human.
  2. How can it be a failure only because u don't believe in something that other people believe in
  3. I feel that you fail to exist as a troll.

  4. so are the common laborers of today not "slaves" in their own respect? i mean, you can be fired or thrown in jail at any moment.

    unless you are willing to be a liar and hypocrite, you will never achieve "success" in the flesh.

    A true believer will always achieve success within himself.

  5. FAIL

    but anyways I reached success and completion when my first child was born without being hypocritical or a liar...soooo.....:wave:
  6. Not an Atheist, but have nothing against em. Just a humble follower of the Bro in the sky.
  7. I just don't believe in deities.

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