So, you want to grow.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sweedright, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. This is a question for those who want to grow but aren't. The question is: What's stopping you?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. I'm trying to grow .....younger and struggling!

    try here GWE
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  3. GWE is a good site. I was more interested in what perceived roadblocks are in place for those who want to grow, but aren't.
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  4. Stupid kids, hurry up and grow up, and GTFO.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. the current 'I want it now generation' screw growing it ..that takes too long!
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  6. #6 greenmonster714, Feb 9, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2024
    I have two adult kids. Can't seem to get them interested in growing. They want to buy. Haven't been bitten by the grow bug yet.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. I cant afford the gear is the only thing stopping me.
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  8. I'd wager that is the reason many haven't started growing yet. However, it doesn't all have to bought at once. If one can save enough to buy a decent light, the rest of the gear can be purchased as funds become available. Even the lights aren't bad nowadays...I think a mars hydro ts1000 is around $92, and that light will grow a couple plants without any trouble.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I was gonna try to save up for this combo thing i saw for like 400$. Tent, basic light, fan, filter etc all the stuff. I could probably put one together though like your saying, tbh idk why I havnt even thought of doing that lol
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  10. That's why I started this hopefully show people that getting started doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. Don't need a tent right away if you have a closet...hell don't even need a closet, but a closed space allows for easier temp and humidity control. I'd say a light is #1 absolute priority, everything else can come later.
  11. Cool. I think it would be good for veg, but looking at the PAR map it seems a bit low for flower in the center and super low on the corners.
  12. more bulbs in corners--problem solved?
  13. Maybe, I'd have to see a side by side comparison with a commercial LED with a similar output.
  14. I thought it could be a very affordable option for those who just getting started.

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