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So yeah that dude deliverin your pizza with the glazed eyes..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sourlamb, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Well thats me, tips are much appreciated. So i was doing some thinking, and since this is the first time that i have had access to a computer i figured i would share a story with ya :cool:

    So SuperBowl Sunday i was taking this guy his pizza, and he lives probably 15 to 20 minutes away. So i'm like fuck.. i know this douche isnt going to tip ( i've delivered to him before) waste of gas...but i figured i would burn the fatty i had with me on the way back, anyways i got up there and i'm supposed to meet him at this community building. Well i get there and i'm waiting for about 5 minutes or so, and this car pulls up next to me with two guys in it, the driver gets out and goes into the building. So i get out and ask the passenger if this was his pizza, he said no but he got out and walked over to stand buy me and my car, at first i was thinking oh wait..this is how people get murdered, but we started talking and he was all like i know how a shitty job like that is and he proceeded to take out his dugout and one hitter and packed it tight. So at this point i was :p he looked at me and said wanna hit this a while? i said hell yeah guy! so i hit it untill it was gone i kept trying to pass it to him and he was all like nah im already fucked up, he went on then to pack it 6 more times. So half way through this the douche finally comes to pick up his pizza and he doesn't tip..suprise suprise.. he doesn't even notice the one hitter lol. well finally i say i had to go back to work but to call at the pizza place and ask for me and i'll hook him up some time. So all n all it was a good night :D i didn't even have to smoke my fatty. oh man i ate too much pizza...
  2. Forgot most of what I read but...I don't understand how people can justify not tipping the driver...
  3. Too long and wall of texty, didn't read.
  4. I'm the guy who smokes with the pizz guy and if I'm not blazing I alwaays tip:smoke:

  5. wow what a waste of space... why bother replying?
  6. Karma decided you needed a pick me up.
    Stay cool. :smoke:
  7. What type of person orders pizza and doesn't give atleast some kind of tip. Glad he smoked you up though.
  8. You got Karma'd man. Enjoy it.
  9. So was it his friend's pizza?
  10. lol my friend used to manage a a store of a large pizza chain....and dilvers for other shit.....used to make and deliver pizzas and get paid in weed lolz
  11. That's tight man. I made friends with a pizza guy who kept delivering to my house. I ended up answering the door one time, blazed as fuck, with smoke pouring out of the door, and the dude just had a massive smile on his face. I hardly had enough money for the pizza, and definitely not enough to tip him so of course I invited him in for a bowl. He came in, and we watched half an episode of south park before he had to dip out.

    Hella chill :smoke:

  12. Gotta love chill pizza guys.

    OP, that's really wicked. I love random acts of kindness, they're so fuzzy and warm. :smoke:
  13. I always tip OP. I'm the dude that smells like dank and tips 3 dollars every time. :smoke:
  14. Nah V, he met a cool stranger while waiting for the "non-tipper" to get to the meeting spot.
  15. Have you ever gotten so high that you just said "Fuck this job, I'm eatin this pizza" ?
  16. Why the hell do people bother posting that they didn't read it/it was too long/wall of text/lazy bastard/etc?:confused:

    And OP it is this story that makes me want to be a deliverer (of pizzas)

    Next best thing? Gas station attendant. I was one for 2 months. Best job I ever had, I smoked up right in the little shack thingy next to the pumps:D
  17. That's so awesome man. It's something I've always wanted to try, but never had the quantity or balls to actually do. This just convinced me to try it with my next delivery person.
  18. What asshole doesent tip dilervery guy is the 3rd most dangerous job after cop and taxi driver
  19. dude i used to be a pizza guy, and i would spend my nights smokin jays and listenin to the radio while makin deliveries. i know how it feels to get stiffed. i got in trouble with my boss on several occasions cause i bitched out the customer for not tippin me, especially when there like 10 miles down the road. shits fucked up.

    i wont order a pizza unless ive got an extra 3 bucks to spare for a tip.

    on the same token, ive gotten some beastly tips. i once had a costumoer hand me a 50 dollar bill on a 16 dollar large pizza. pretty sure he meant to give me a 20, i looked at the bill and dipped before he realized what he had done

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