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So why do YOU smoke?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Sad Panda, Nov 3, 2003.



  1. Self-exploration

    0 vote(s)
  2. Spiritual journey

    0 vote(s)
  3. Anti-depressant

    0 vote(s)
  4. I dunno. It's just fun.

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.

  1. O shit, I almost forgot that one!

    And I also forgot it tastes good!
  2. I ono, it helps me sleep like most of us, I get into survival more (hence I do it a lot when I camp), I have clearer thoughts, better reflex's and a sense of understanding. Other than that, The art of smoking and discovering differant ways to do it is something everone should enjoy(Smoke Cannabis).
  3. I smoke because I enjoy it. There's nothing better than sitting around with a bunch of friends and getting high. Those little gathering make for some of the best memories of my life. Not to mention, it helps you to meet more people. I'd probably only have 4-5 friends if I didn't smoke.
  4. i just love to b high, its fuckin wikkid

  5. Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean!

    BTW, I checked all four of them.
  6. LOL....this started out out on Spirituality & Philosophy, got moved to Recreational Marijuana Use, and now is in Seasoned Tokers!

    I hope I win the award for "Most frequent flyer miles for the topic"
  7. I smoke to get Stoned and Away......
  8. Cuz, I uh, ummmm, uh. what was the question?

    Ok, OK, Ok in chronological order.
    felt good
    made food taste wonderful
    made getting drunk more fun
    made college bearable
    made marriage to a crone bearable
    made work bearable
    made life bearable
    makes being alone and stupid bearable

    wait a minute, what was the question?
    ok, ok, ok I got it.
    Makes web surfing more funner.

  9. There is nothing better than getting home from work and rolling a nice fat joint and chilling out. Yes I would say that chilling out smokeing skunk is the one for me.

    Thats what gets me through the day!!!

    See Yaa

  10. same here..
  11. To relieve myself from the pressures of modern day life..and cause it makes my head feel all wiggly..:)
  12. I smoke weed because my granny used to force me to or I wouldn't get any dinner for a week. The bitch.

  13. wtf?
  14. lol....was gonna say...cuz id love my granny is she did that!
  15. LMAO!!! That's funny,, I was sitting here thinking I didn't want to give some boring-ass reason as to why I toke & to tell you the truth, I can't remember why we started. Well it was 1969, & pretty much the thing to do, so 5 of us started at the same time [we were all real good friends]...but really went apeshit 1970. Really trippin' out every weekend...windowpane, microdot, blotter. We even on just 1 occasion, got some Owsley acid that was unbelievable! Trippin' balls 8 hrs straight, real heavy hallucinations, super intense, no dealing with society at all...had to stay within acid doers. Last time I did any acid was 1975. And now all I'll do in the way of psychedelics are mushrooms or peyote, nothing synthetic, strictly organic. But I don't see shrooms the way I used to. Been out of touch since kid came along. He's 13 now, but anymore the teachers just about tell the kids to turn in their parents, if they see them smoking weed. Sad, really have to watch it anymore. No puffage in front of kids! Shouldn't anyway, but especially now with that rat mentality. I'm teaching my kid not to be a rat though.

  16. well thats good....
  17. I've driven thru Kansas a lot...used to live in Denver. 1 day I drove thru Kansas. Felt like a week.
  18. yea its pretty boring!!! here....nothing to do...
  19. I don't want to go on a rant or anything, but smoke because it relieves stress first off, and it's a chill thing to do whenever. It's a social thing if you can hang, and it definitely makes you want to better yourself at doing it, kinda like a hobby. What is a hobby? Isn't it something you enjoy doing? I enjoy it very much, smoking is great. Isn't a hobby something you can better yourself at? I've definitely gotten to be a better smoker throughout time, haven't you? And lastly, don't you go out a collect things for a hobby, like baseball cards or stamps- what ever your fix is? Well, I go out and collect many different types of paraphernalia, to add to my collection. So as i concludehere, smoking is my favorite and most qualified hobby. Although, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. =)

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