Curry does indeed solve all one's problems... apart from: War, death, hatred, loss of freedom etc etc. Oh man D9_THC do you live in America or something- those guys have not a clue about CURRY. MMMM BALTI KING PRAWN.... You wanna visit the GOLDEN CURRY MILE in Birmingham My Friend.... mmmmmmmm Curry... Oh man I love Bajhis, and Simosas (not vegetable tho). Thai's allright but you can't beat a balti. Vindaloo- oh yes my friend.
The US? Ha! I live in London. Doesn't mean I like curry. I'm more of a chilli person. Curry is too sort of..... rich. I love all other spicy food though.
I love Curry. Curry Loves me. My pet, a starfish... who happens to be made of chocolate, hates curry. with good reason too!. heehee. nothing wrong wit a vegie samosa or bahji. Lamb Birriani or King Prawn Buhna. mmmmmmmmmmm yummy. "noooooooooooooooooooooo" screams the chocolate starfish... not again! Janghiir resteraunt, Dundee. best in the UK, and i live less than a mile away oooooh yeah!
I have no earthly idea what curry is......can someone enlighten me. The word curry doesnt even sound appealing but I was just wondering what it was.
curry n. pl. cur·ries Curry powder. A heavily spiced sauce or relish made with curry powder and eaten with rice, meat, fish, or other food. A dish seasoned with curry powder.
yum, curry! *licks lips* yum yum yum! haven't had curried food that wasn't homemade, but love it i do. and it comes with all those yummy garnishes......
thats just not smoking anything.............i act high when im sober...and act higher when im not....i guess thats why i have such a magnetic personality to stoners....hmm....anyway....i wish i was smokin somethin....anybody ever heard of rodney carrington?