Any public coffee shops opening up soon or already have? I know that the medical ones are probably still open, but it'd be awesome to see footage of a amsterdam-like coffee shop/hangout in the states. I honestly think we could do better than amsterdam with coffee shops
well, marijuana will never be federally legalized (in my opinion), but it's always nice to have the opportunity to smoke where it's decriminalized
Wait a year then ask. It's a long time to gooooo. Well, not thaaat long but not soon. I did hear of a couple shops opening up but they got shutdown fast.
One 'coffee shop' has opened in Boulder Colorado. Nothing up here so far in Seattle, or WA state at all.
I don't understand, why decriminalize it when you could just legalize it and regulate it. I feel like that's just drawing out the process of full legalization. I hope for national legalization everyday
I just read an article about what other states are thinking about doing, my state is looking to decriminalize, does that mean i could walk around with up to an ounce of pot and just get a small fine if caught? What would that fine be? how much could i walk around with if it's decriminalized?
That's exactly what decriminalized means. You get a fine instead of jail time. And yea, it would be up to an ounce. If you get caught with more than an ounce, you would probably be facing jail time.