so whats GC up to tonight.

Discussion in 'General' started by jack herra, May 28, 2009.

  1. im chillin on a bunch of bars with a couple beers in me,

    just wondering what my fellow blades are up to tonight.:smoke:
  2. Smoked some o dat shiz-nittlebam snip-snap-sack!
  3. smokin mad dank yo. doin other stupid shit and watchin mother fucking the colbert report
  4. Just saw terminator salvation. Im taking it easy, hitting some vapes.
  5. ride on bro

    hahah the colbert show is fuckin great

    hahaha tru that,im chillin on some widow
  6. I am just chillin', seeing what GC is doing.

    I was just in my garage taking bong tokes of some nice hydro I acquired earlier today. So fruity and awesome.

    All the while I was wailin' on my Strat. Mmmmm.

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