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So what do I do...? Serious question.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CraZiY, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Hey GC... This is gonna be a long-ish post, please read all.

    I don't toke that much.. probably like once a week MAX and whenever I do toke with other people (which is 90% of the time) I kinda feel really insecure and paranoid unless we're FULLY involved in something like a film or something that I'm really concentrating on.

    I just wanna enjoy the 'erb like all of you guys... My personality is kind of "anxious/self concious/depressed", does this mean I can never enjoy cannabis with other people :(? Whenever I look in the mirror I look REALLY ugly. I just wanna be able to enjoy this drug.

    Will meditating help to calm me down and mellow me out?

    I really need an answer :(...Thanks.
  2. stop worrying about it. your friends are hanging out with you for a reason, they're not thinking about the things you are. im not attractive by any means either, as soon as you stop worrying about it, its all good.
  3. What do you mean you look ugly? Its normal for a lot of people to get anxious when new to the good ol' herb...and it sounds like at the rate you're doing it your tolerance is staying pretty low. Just try to relax and know that you'll be just fine...meditation could help if you're into that stuff.

    I used to get pretty paranoid...but then I thought to myself why the fuck am I like this? You overcome it with time and experience I guess.
  4. Well, I know I'm not like really ugly but when I'm stoned I think i'm really ugly... Next time I'm stoned im gonna take a picture of my face, just to see if its all in my head, or whether the bud is making my face look this way, just to reassure myself. My legs also twitch/shiver and when in a conversation I can't really concentrate on the conversation but I think that the person is kinda laughing at me :S
  5. Dont take a pics of your face bro. Your fine. You'll realize that and actually no one else cares if your ugly, at least your guy friends shouldnt. And when it comes to the woman, any real girl that you would want to be with and share things with, wont judge on your looks, but your personality. Dont sweat the small stuff bro, lifes too short to worry about petty things that you cant change. Stay positive, life is all about being positive, if you see your world in a negative light, then your worlds gunna be negative. Everyday is an opportunity for something new and exciting to be introduced into your life, use herb as a catalyst to enjoy all those new and exciting things.

    In short, sack up bro.
  6. Ive been smoking for about a year now, 2-3 times a week. At first, I was paranoid and anxious too. I just realized that you have to be completely calm and secure while smoking the herb. The more calm you are, the more enjoyable the high. Just take it easy and relax a bit. Hope this helps :smoking:
  7. Lol first, cannabis is not a drug. Secondly, everyone is paranoid/anxious when you first start tokin. I found that when I first started, it was best to be in a very calm environment when high. Just blaze more often, and eventually you'll get the proud stoner mindset :). PEACe
  8. Weed tends to exaggerate feelings you already have, at least for me. If I think a bad thought, it keeps getting worse in my head. Just think good thoughts going into the experience.
  9. yeah, but weed is still definitely a drug.
  10. It's all paranoia if they don't judge you sober they sure won't judge you when you're smokin. If anything it makes them care even less about how you look lol just relax and don't worry about it.
  11. your just being paranoid, could be from depression or your just not completely used to it. a good way to get over it and this is how i got over it, clear your calender for like one weekend and just blaze up as much as possible till your comfortable with it.
  12. If you're getting the twitches then you're smoking too much and getting uncomfortably high. Take it easy and don't try to keep up with your experienced friends. Ain't nothing wrong with turning down another hit; your friends won't get mad at you because it means more weed for them, haha.

    Also, you have to be in the right mindset to have a pleasant high. Weed has a tendency to intensify everything, including your mood. If meditation isn't working for you, loosen up with a few beers before toking up (or ideally, percocet/vicodin or valium or xanax, if you so happen to have some).
  13. If I were you, I would try chiefing alone for a little bit. I guess I was in a similar situation to you at first, but after chiefing alone for awhile it actually helps one reflect on one's life and self, which may allow you to mellow out and deal/contemplate your current ordeal. Also, how many people do you usually smoke with? Because sometimes it can help to only smoke with one or two other people that you are close with because you are able to be comfortable and act like yourself.
  14. The only thing I'd really say is toke alone until you feel more comfortable with yourself being stoned.

    IMHO it seems most heavy pot users have social anxiety of one form or another. It's not uncommon at all. Most of use enjoy toking alone and watching tv or whatever.

    Just get used to being stoned, then if your friends want to get stoned with you and watch a movie or something you won't feel so overwhelmed.
  15. why do you care soo much abt how you look, just relax and know that if you are not accepting yourself then why would others..your not alone man..
  16. You should be able to just relax and smoke with your friends, with no worries, or else you shouldn't be toking with those people.
  17. just chillllll.
    take ten deep breaths while visualizing yourself laughing and having a good time.
    then open your eyes and you realize, it's already happening!
  18. and when he says "either" hes not implying that your ugly he was just at a loss of better words
  19. Marijuana is not for everyone regardless of what motha fuckas say
  20. #20 Deleted member 255533, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
    This sounds like a classic case of ocd. I have another form of ocd similar to this and I found that if i smoke waaay too much in one session marijuana amplifies this. So just be careful, you don't have to get extremely baked to enjoy the herb. And also, stop trying to reassure yourself, as tempting and hard as it is not to, because it will just put you deeper into the hole where you keep asking what if questions.

    Please gtfo, everyone, including you, has personal problems and it's not your place to decide whos problems are and aren't important.

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