So, we were wrong- cannabis IS physically addictive

Discussion in 'General' started by feudalism, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Yeah the addiction is so overpowering i dont think i can control it Hopefully i dont die after smoking to much pot, ohh i hope not i think this is even worse than tobacco OHH NOO
  2. lol, i havent smoked for 2 days and im not dying for smoking weed
  3. Welp, I'd rather have an addictive mindset t'words ganj than being an Alcoholic or Chainsmoker..I've already kicked both of those habits.

    Haven't blazed for a few days either due to my upcoming job interview at Cysco...
    Not buggin' out like I used to for Cigs and Booze...though I am irritable as fuck and rather dreary:poke:
  4. I'ma agree with this guy. It's just fucking paper. As long as I'm living man!;)
  5. whaTEVER
  6. you're going to have withdrawal symptoms regardless if it's physical or psychological addiction.
  7. SO Basicsally. What this artixle is telling me is people prefer to smoke
    Cannabis. Happy toking
  8. I am trying to lose weight, so I actually only eat sober when I can help it. And for when I can't help it, I make sure the healthy stuff is easier to get to than the crap. (Lazyness -> win)

    I also find the high lasts longer... Eat then smoke.
  9. to be honest, i smoke a fair bit and i never experience these withdrawals when i stop for a while.
  10. FFS weed withdrawals are so minor it's like drinking too much coffee. People need to man the fuck up they've never withdrawn from opiates or alcohol and probably would break under it. Fucking weak mother fuckers ffs coffee gives you withdrawals which are almost the same or worse than marijuana withdrawal not to mention cigarettes which are legal and kill 1/3 users.
  11. Who said it wasn't addictive? It's just not as highly addictive as tobacco. I think it's even less addictive then caffeine, but no one ever said it's not addictive.
  12. [quote name='"DarkWaves2"']FFS weed withdrawals are so minor it's like drinking too much coffee. People need to man the fuck up they've never withdrawn from opiates or alcohol and probably would break under it. Fucking weak mother fuckers ffs coffee gives you withdrawals which are almost the same or worse than marijuana withdrawal not to mention cigarettes which are legal and kill 1/3 users.[/quote]

    Man last night i was down to my last 0.5g so the thought of running out and being dry for a few days cuz im strapped for ca$h really had me freakin out and tweakin out. So i just went down an alley and blew some fella for $10 so i could get dat dime, nahhh mean? True sarcastic story, so dont tell me it aint addictive yo!

    Honestly, im more addicted to Mt Dew than weed. I constantly think about getting another cold Dew out of the fridge and drinking it. Its gotten to the point where i almost dont wanna eat anything unless i have a cold Dew to wash it down with. I drink 3 Dews a day on average. On the other hand, im not always thinking about getting high.
  13. Uh.. no. H withdrawal is not analogous to going a day without weed. I cant believe you said that so boldly.

    My arrogance is caused by people like you, so if you wanna point fingers, point 'em at yourself.
  14. I smoke and ive tried to quit a few times, down to 3-5 a day, cutting back down to 2. Gonna quit cold turkey when my weeds ready.

    Cigs and sugar are by far the hardest things to stop doing.

    Yet here in australia the health minister said it was "a ridiculous idea" to start regulating sugar in foods..
  15. Started losing it today knowing I have no res left.

    felt light headed, panicky, depressed, frustrated, angry, irritable, hopeless, and worthless.

    I've smoked for 6 years straight morning to night.

    Found some alcohol and now I'm fine but I know it's not the answer.

    Should I keep smoking herb or just quit? Idk what to do anymore.
  16. You should take an extended t break, then smoke occasionally. If you can't handle that then sorry.
  17. About goddamn time they're starting to realize that. That being said as someone who has gone through marijuana withdrawals as shitty as it may feel sometimes it doesn't even come remotely close to what other other drug addicts go through with harder shit. In fact it's really a joke in comparison. Sometimes i smoke a lot, sometimes I don't. If you make yourself strong mentally the symptoms really aren't shit. I learned to control my weed habits. I control the ganja now, the ganja doesn't control me.
  18. There are to many of these threads to even read. I think they are making these threads trying to change us. I think they are non smokers trying to convince us it is bad. SMFH.

    Sent from above
  19. What if it is just government official spychologists or something trying to infiltrate the underground marijuana world and change our perspectives.
  20. It has not been a long-held belief that weed is mildly addictive (if at all) due to word of mouth; rigorous studies were conducted, a lot of those studies even by groups trying to make/keep weed illegal.

    ... studies with larger sample sizes than forty six people.

    Article very misleading, go to the actual study itself to see that, while it was done correctly and credibly, is not conclusive enough to sway me and *checks CNN, checks FOX) any of the major media outlets.

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