So, we were wrong- cannabis IS physically addictive

Discussion in 'General' started by feudalism, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Its psychologically addictive..but hey so is chocolate. Now that legalization is a big issue..almost everywhere more and more organizations are trying to tame cannabis and its users. Physically addictive substances such as cocaine and fast food alter the chemicals in your body and your brain which is what makes you "physically" crave it. Weed is all psychological, it just takes motivation. A lot of the people that smoke it specially for medical reasons DO already suffer from things like insomnia, anxiety etc...weed doesn't "cure" anything, it just relieves so taking the medication away from these people obviously the symptoms will occur. But yeah, if you're a heavy chocolate or candy eater and eat x amount t of it every day for x amount of years..if for one we eek you don't do it you are going g to feel weird and are going to feel withdraws. The withdraws of weed come from missing the "high" feeling, which is a good feeling but its not that your brain is altered and its craving it.
  2. I've known this for a long time and don't care.

    If you quit after a long period of heavy smoking you will be restless and grouchy for a few days. There are worse things.

    I've quit before when I needed to, and I will do it again if I need to. I just hope not :D
  3. #63 Cruizer, Mar 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2013
    Why did you assume I didn't? I looked up Anandamide right after I read your post. I just told you to cite what you say so you don't look like someone who is just giving rhetoric to people. By doing that you also make information transfer quicker since you've 'seen' where it is. By citing it you make my job go from 30-45 minutes down to maybe five.

    While instead of taking you zero seconds to not cite it, it probably takes you 30seconds to a minute to find it where you read it, then post it here. Then it saves each person who wants to find more information that amount of time that I would have saved. So you saved yourself that time selfishly in order to cost other people a cumulative total that could possibly be infinite.

    Apparently convincing people of your notions is less important to you than being self-righteous.

    Maybe they should have looked into the symptoms of laziness in people who smoke cannabis regularly? You can be their leading subject.

    I'm far from a regular smoker of marijuana. But even I've felt the withdrawal symptoms come on when I stopped. I've seen threads here (on a marijuana forum, probably one of the best places for marijuana testimonials pertaining to effects of the drug) of plenty of people saying they're having trouble giving it up after a long time of regular use.

    But people here seem keen to just brush it off as another form of propaganda, most likely without even reading it to check the method of the study, the finalised conclusions and the groups that were monitored.

    Edit: Just so you know I still think it should be legalised, as with all drugs. But there really needs to be a trustworthy source of information (both pro and con drugs) that is available to us. I don't trust most of what you guys say here about marijuana, I probably trust this one more since it's done by scientists, rather than guys who probably have no neurology based tenure on a marijuana forum. I don't think we can comment on bias here when we're discussing a study about the negative effects of marijuana on what is essentially a pro-marijuana website.

  4. This, if anyone has ever been hooked on hard drugs, they know what a real addiction feels like.
  5. Caffeine and cigarettes are way worse as far as withdrawal goes.
  6. Caffeine was easy peasey
  7. ^^ Is Caffeine really that addictive though, I can drink Ice Coffee for a day but not get hooked like a feen.
  8. Well if you drink caffeine all day every day it'll give you a little headache when you stop.
  9. #69 JuicyGoose, Mar 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2013
    Am I the only one who noticed that none of those "physical symptoms" were actually physical withdrawal?

    And I had a killer headache the day I quit caffeine. No pain relievers helped.
  10. ^^ Nah you're not the only one.
  11. Maybe they just lost the benefits they had from smoking.
  12. Lol I love how this comes out the same times FEDS are cracking down on DELIVERY SERVICES HERE IN SAN DIEGO. One group of people are running the show, cannabis is now the target. Revenue is too high.
  13. Lol, every study I've seen regarding marijuana coming out of Australia contradicts what we here in America and elsewhere have found, I knew this was bullshit as soon as I saw the word Australia! the only 'withdrawal' I've seen in myself was not being to sleep as well JUST the night after smoking without smoking that day. And how valid is a study with just 49 people?

  14. I used to drink over 2 liters of diet coke a day for months.

    When I finally quit I had terrible migrane-like headaches for 3 days straight. It was fucking awful.
  15. Wisest thing ever said
  16. “It makes you irritable. It makes you restless. It makes it hard to sleep.”

    These 'physical' symptoms differ hugely from person to person. People react to cannabis in different ways, you just can't say it makes you feel this and that. I know a guy who just can't smoke at all, he just falls asleep within minutes, everytime.

    The only one of these I can relate to that it makes it hard to sleep if I haven't smoked in a while, but I found it hard to sleep even before I started smoking, without it I wouldn't be getting any sleep whatsoever, so what's more dangerous?

    Finding it hard to sleep or being sleep deprived, the latter I'd say.
  17. Exactly. People seem to have trouble differentiating between physically and psychologically addicting. You can be psychologically addicted to anything

  18. They only thing I really see wrong is the first sentence and the claim that it lasts that long.

    I withdrew from something a lot stronger and all my symptoms, besides cravings and insomnia, were gone within a week.

  19. What was the purpose and why did you start in the first place? I used to drink a lot of soda, still do but only in temperate moderate uses.
  20. I liked the taste, and I was a stereotypical fatass soda drinker. :laughing:

    Havent had a sip of soda in a year and a half now, and only drink one cup of coffee a day.

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