Hey guys so the day has come where I have to quit... Not forever of course but due to having my first child which is due in Feb I decided its for the best that quit for now.. For financial reasons because hell ! having a baby is expensive as fuck! :mad and also to give my girl some Peace of mind because I spend lots of $ bud and also I think It would be in my best interest to be clear headed while he's still a little tiny thing as I don't want to not be able to remember his first words his first steps you know ?.... I think thats one of the best things about being a father being able to watch your child grow.. bond with him and mold him into a productive respectable person so my question t u Awsome blades out there is how much should I sell these 2 beauties for I have been offerd 140$ for the pair should I take it or hold off for more .. also was thinking about putting them on Craigslist any thoughts ? :EDIT SORRY ABOUT DOUBLE POST I'M ON PHONE
i personally think you don't have to quit just since your having a kid id say minimize use a lot like smoke only at night before you go to bed but hey man its everyone's personal decision congrats on the baby mannn and stepping up to the plate to be a good dad
You will be surprised how quickly he will grow up-in 14 years, the little fellow will be on Grasscity complaining about getting caught by his parents
Glad to see you have your priorities straight, man. MJ will always be waiting for you . Congrats on the kid! Boy or girl! Names yet?
well congrats man on havin a baby! you are doin the right thing. right now it might seem hard but once the baby comes you wont have time to smoke or even think about it prolly. enjoy the time wit the lil one dude!
Don't have to quit puffing, just go low on it. Smoke like my old man does, get your tolerance down to where you can get blazed once or twice a week off a few one hitters. I swear he and his friends his age get waaaay more stoned than i do when they smoke, and its because they don't do it near as much or as often. My dad can make an 8th last like 2 fucking months. I guess what I'm saying is. you don't have to stop getting stoned, just don't be such a STONER.
Congrats and wishin ya the absolute best hahaha ya ^ what he ( previous poster) said My old mans buddies do the same, getting high as a kite for a month on a eighter just putting it in the air like once or twice a week. your gonna be busy for sure and tight on bucks so totally see your logic. I have to tell you though if you just keep a solid piece and blaze every couple days..its gonna always be like a waterfall from your head to yo toes!!! invigorating
So apparently I can't upload pics that I've already uploaded using my phone ..... Fucking stupid but here's the link of my bongs I'm selling http://forum.grasscity.com/toking-t...-setup-hq-pics-milk-video-need-help-name.html. And the one here [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jjtxvl-EWY&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/ame] What you guys think take. The 140 for both ?
Not to mention those one or two times a week when you get the chance are going to be FANTASTIC for relieving the stress of having a baby.
[quote name='"iWhiteWall"']i personally think you don't have to quit just since your having a kid id say minimize use a lot like smoke only at night before you go to bed but hey man its everyone's personal decision congrats on the baby mannn and stepping up to the plate to be a good dad [/quote] Thanx man I was actually thinking about that or maybe just buying a dub a week and takin a bowl or 2 as a reward for after those extra hard days at work :cheers
[quote name='"tharedhead"']You will be surprised how quickly he will grow up-in 14 years, the little fellow will be on Grasscity complaining about getting caught by his parents[/quote] Hahaha that be the day I won't be one of those dads tho if he ever does decide to smoke we will have a long chat about the facts and bs about it and he's only gonna be able to if those grades stay up ! Lol
[quote name='"SoloG35"']Glad to see you have your priorities straight, man. MJ will always be waiting for you . Congrats on the kid! Boy or girl! Names yet?[/quote] Ty so much its going to be a boy :b and where naming him Noah Ryan
[quote name='"Floyd Pepper"']Don't have to quit puffing, just go low on it. Smoke like my old man does, get your tolerance down to where you can get blazed once or twice a week off a few one hitters. I swear he and his friends his age get waaaay more stoned than i do when they smoke, and its because they don't do it near as much or as often. My dad can make an 8th last like 2 fucking months. I guess what I'm saying is. you don't have to stop getting stoned, just don't be such a STONER.[/quote] Wise words from a true stoner will definitely keep that in mind my man thank you and holy shit ! He must get faaaded of a few hits that's Awsome ! I can smoke an 8th in like a day :cheers
Keep the toke tools as memory man. Maybe one day you can pass them along to your kids if you approve of them smoking. Obviously if your in a tight spot financially you gotta do what you gotta do, just a thought though. Congratulations, your about to start a new chapter in life. Best of luck!
name him Pooper. you have a pot leaf tattoo & your worried about quitting brotha? you should have little Pooper get a matching pot leaf tattoo.
[quote name='"DazeOneLuv"']Hey guys so the day has come where I have to quit... Not forever of course but due to having my first child which is due in Feb I decided its for the best that quit for now.. For financial reasons because hell ! having a baby is expensive as fuck! :mad and also to give my girl some Peace of mind because I spend lots of $ bud and also I think It would be in my best interest to be clear headed while he's still a little tiny thing as I don't want to not be able to remember his first words his first steps you know ?.... I think thats one of the best things about being a father being able to watch your child grow.. bond with him and mold him into a productive respectable person so my question t u Awsome blades out there is how much should I sell these 2 beauties for I have been offerd 140$ for the pair should I take it or hold off for more .. also was thinking about putting them on Craigslist any thoughts ? :EDIT SORRY ABOUT DOUBLE POST I'M ON PHONE[/quote] If you put them on craigslist u have to make sure they are spotless for resin and shit
Congratulations and +rep on becoming a parent and for taking your parenting responsibilities seriously. I don't know if you have to quit but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do! Sending you all the Stoner Support and Encouragement....
Congrats man. I hope you, your baby and your baby's mommy are blessed. I'd hang on to your bongs! Maybe just sell the one thats not your favorite.
Congrats on the kid what are you going to name him/her...Wow I have the exact same bong and bowl peace in my collection...