So tell me why.......

Discussion in 'General' started by phanny, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Canadian arrested in Florida going 65mph in a lambo is big news man. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
    kurt cobain hated the fame he had and hated how is music became so popular. he is a selfish addict that was shot or killed by his own hands. I give him props for changing the music scene but he didn't want the fame or money.
  3. [quote name="imalwayscold" post="19422947" timestamp="1390932292"]kurt cobain hated the fame he had and hated how is music became so popular. he is a selfish addict that was shot or killed by his own hands. I give him props for changing the music scene but he didn't want the fame or money.[/quote]This guy is a fucking know-it-allsent from underneath my balls
    why because I could be right? I live in seattle its well known he hated his success and was a junkie
  5. [quote name="imalwayscold" post="19426728" timestamp="1390970756"]why because I could be right? I live in seattle its well known he hated his success and was a junkie[/quote]He hated the commercialization of his music. Any artist wants to become known and have their art appreciated.He hated the ones tnat knew all his pretty songs and liked to sing along, even though they didnt know what it meant.Yes he was a junkie.sent from underneath my balls
    So why did you insult me when I was right?
  7. Cozsent from underneath my balls

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