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so some cops hosiptalized a 13 year old kid

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by wein-dog12, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. #1 wein-dog12, Aug 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2008
    the title says it all i was out with some friends and well there was a kid on the run from the police for stealing beer from a store and he ran into some bushs and when they caught him in the bushs they pinned him down kneeing him in the face but thats as much as i could see because of the bushs but he was on the ground and they draged him on his face across the ground by his cuffs he was on the ground and he never moved for like ten minutes.

    they then proceeded to stuff him in the cruiser when he "came too" i guess because he was trying to kick the windows out of the cruiser, but anyways after they took him we heard after that he was in the hospital all broken up.
    pretty fucked up and i live in rural newfoundland canada where you wouldnt expect such brutality to happen, just thought i would share this with my fellow blades
  2. thats fucked up but thats a bad ass kid.
  3. Uhhh what do you expect. Stealing from a store than running from the cops. Im sure he was being a smartass and resisting arrest. I'm not a fan of cops as much as the next person but sometimes they have to do their job and have procedures to follow so they dont get killed. I was watching this show on MTV last night and some asshole was drunk driving, ran from the cops, and then wouldnt listen to a thing he said and was resisting arrest. Dude got tasered and hauled off... mad funny.
  4. Yes, a 13 year old stuck in the bushes was going to kill the cops with a stolen beer.
    And since this 13 year old was such a threat, they had to knee him in the face and drag him on the ground... because who knew when he would spring up and kill those cops right?

    Man... Who ever knew 13 year olds were so dangerous?
  5. who knew theft is still a crime if youre 13 or 90? hopefully this kid learns a lesson from his ass beating and doesnt grow up to be a another hopeless scumbag
  6. 13 year olds could have a gun or a knife iam not justifing it just sayin
  7. Its not a matter of theft being a crime.
    Its a matter of two full grown men beating up a 13 year old stuck in the bushes and dragging him across the ground. Thats pathetic no matter how old you are.
    I always real about these cops and wonder how they treat their wives...
  8. good, some fucked up 13 year old kid like that is a waste of life anyway
  9. He is 13. I am not saying that, it excuses his behavior, because it doesn't. If you steal, expect the consequences, along with all other illegal things out there. Although, no one deserves to get beat to shit for stealing a beer.
  10. shit, ever watch Aladdin ?

    They cut off hands for that shit
  11. Youd be surprised how violent small town cops can be.. Ive gotten slammed around by for no reason at all. They were just bored and found an excuse.

    Bet this kid isn gonna try stealing beer again anytime soon tho.. Just hope he dosent take on a big "FUCK THE 5-0" attitude..
  12. tea mochi you dont really see the point. the kid was resisting arrest clearly. he was lying there still for 10 minutes because he probably was pinned down. i would agree that most cops abuse their power, but most of the time they do it for a reason. this doesnt disturb me because if the kid wasnt a dumbass, he wouldnt have had this coming. hope he learned his lesson
  13. Fuck the police!
  14. Seriously I mean if hes in the bushes the cops can just tell him to come out. They dont have to pin him down and drag him n shit.
  15. ^they can tell him do whatever they want, dosent mean he would

    If the kid had just coperated and surrendered, then none of this probably would have happened..

    I had alot of runins with cops when i was younger and They definatly seemed much more strict in my dealings with them then. Its all about making a lasting impression
  16. Theres not much a kid can do when theyre stuck you know? The cops can tell him to come out or they will bring him out themselves but they dont have to pin him down and what not.
  17. Dude what the hell is wrong with people trying to justify the beating of a 13 year old kid? He's not a "waste of life" that's completely screwed up to say that he has lesser value then any other human being because he stole a beer. It's a beer, dudes.

    He didn't rob the friggin gas station with a gun, and while these two cops were beating senseless a 13 year old kid who just wanted to have some fun, was resisting arrest only because of the violent manner in which he was arrested, and clearly scared sh!tless, there could have been a real gang-affiliated gas station robbery going on that they could have stopped. Not saying there was, but think about it, could have happened.

    13 year olds kids are NO threat. The cops were just getting off to feeling tough and beating senseless a little kid. Think about it, would YOU beat a 13 year old senseless for stealing alcohol? No, you'd probably tackle them, maybe punch him once or twice and scare the crap out of him, but hospitalize him? Anyone else would go to JAIL for that shit. Cops are above the law..pshh...
  18. #18 skittles, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2008
    Ok and if it comes to the point where they have to "bring him out themselves" then he obviously isnt cooperating so they have no incentive to be nice. They diddnt become cops to make friends with 13 year olds

    Taking him to the hospital was probably just a formality

    to me, the question isnt what he stole or how he did it. Its that he just did. Now if he dosent face real consoquences, How do you expect him to grow up?
  19. #19 BreakaTheNugg, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2008
    Dude does not being "friends" with a 13 year old mean hospitalizing him? No.

    They are supposed to apply only the neccessary force needed to bring him out and detain him. It's easy to tell they took it too far. A knee to the face is in no way necessary. I've been locked up for 6 months and have had to deal with what jail guards think is "necessary" and it aint, so your not convincing me on this one.

    They didn't have to hospitalize him to bring him out. Period.

    "Real Consequences"? You say? Real consequences does not involve physical injury to that level. Corporal punishment has long been abolished are you kidding me? Real Consequence involves being locked up, serving your time, community service, which this kid probably got but on top of that, some overzealous cops wanted to act tough and beat him to the point of unconscienceness. Fuck that.
  20. I probably should have said I do infact think they took it too far... But what im getting at is this kid sounds like a shit that needed to be taught a good lesson and they did just that. I mean stealing beer at 13? wtf? If he learns he can do this crap with minimal consequence (community service) then hes on the road to being a major fuckup thatll cost society more than hes worth.

    Call me evil, but i love being a total ass to little kids.. Its good for em

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