So scared of death.

Discussion in 'General' started by Jeffersong808, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. I know we all die sometime, but while toking w/ my bro, he said when you die, you're NOTHING.

    Really got me thinking.. overthinking.
  2. Who really knows though? No one does. And anyone that does know isn't around or about to tell us.

    Relax and think of what you are right now, ie live in the present.
  3. Who gives a flying fuck

    No point in living in constant fear of what'll happen when we are no longer. Plus how does your brother know we are nothing when we die? There is no one that knows what happens when we are dead... so just don't worry about it.
  4. shit man i think about death all the time, including being taken away from my family, my friends, my daughter, and having them being taken away from me.

    its not doing me any good at all, because im not progressing with this train of thought.

    surround yourself with positive people and you wont have a reason to think about it.

    and your bro was probably just saying that because he was high but next time he does it, tell him theres a monster behind him and when he looks slap him with your cock.
  5. Easier said than done

    Altho i agree, its gonna happen anyways whether u are worrying about it or not

    Best advice i can give is to live as healthy as possible to increase the chances of living long and well

    Op u are prolly young and if ur lifestyle isnt risky im sure u are going to live a long while longer haha

    Average life expectancy is about 80 for america so yeah
  6. Fear of death is about the only thing in the world that I can't wrap my head around.

    Why people waste time fearing something that is coming, whether you like it or not, makes absolutely no sense to me.

    Death is beautiful. Embrace it for what it is: eternal rest. Stop dwindling what little time you have left on useless emotions.
  7. I am so not surprised you started this thread.
    Didn't you post an afraid of dying thread awhile back when there was supposed to be a tsunami in hawaii?
  8. I'm still scared shitless none the less. I am beginning to ponder if the army decreases chance of living?
  9. From the moment your born you are dying, so live it up!
  10. I am too OP, but only because that is the very moment I am DONE and cannot better myself in any way as a human, and I always want to progress.

    What if I wasn't good enough? too selfish? Too mean, evil at times? I'll be in a hell of some sorts If I and God never forgive me, I know I struggle with forgiving myself, soo..if there is a God, hes gonnnaa be shaking his headd.. :(
  11. being nothing is definitely better than being in hell.

    tho i stil like the idea of heaven, or some kind of spiritual place where you can fly around the universe.
  12. #12 ytfghmjb, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    death is only a transformation..... no such thing as annihilation

    remember that you =/= physical body. watch your karma though
  13. Nothing before birth, nothing after death.
  14. Non existence is scary to think about while existing isnt it?...But what if non-existence was bett...ah wait, bout to go watch TV and enjoy life!
  15. I just think of what it was like before I was born.. nothing until birth, so much happened in between the formation of this planet and my birth, and it all feels like a snap of the fingers.
  16. Everyone has an opinion about everything.

    My opinion about death is that we as a society are trying to escape death, but death is inevitable and there will be a death of the universe sometime. Could be in the next few years (highly unlikely, there's so much energy), could be billions and billions of years (much more likely) but we as a human race CANNOT ponder death, it's an uncomprehendable subject that our complex brains just cannot grasp. What you need to do is enjoy the little things in life, because we only have so much time. OUR world as a species is very fragile. One good sized meteor can end it for all of us (or at least half ;)) so we (or at least I) cannot worry about death. It's inevitable. Make the best of your life and create memories you will remember in the afterlife because what if death brings back all of our memories and we live in them? Make better memories! :D
  17. Non existence is more comforting to me than the idea of spending eternity with a deity I don't like with a bunch of holy good doers and angels.
  18. I would rather be dead than live my life how it is now. Hopefully shit gets better soon.
  19. We'll let's say hypothetically, that God actually let's you into heaven.Eternal peace. Why would you be mad about that?

  20. Everyone's got an image of the afterlife. I believe we need to stop thinking about that and enjoy the moment, because that moment is so fragile it can be taken away by a gun, a knife, a pencil, or some random event like a softball-sized meteor in the right place in the right time to claim a person's life. :wave:

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